Kepadatan Cacing Tanah pada Lahan Pertanian Tomat Terpapar Pestisida di Desa Ampreng, Kecamatan Langowan Barat - Provinsi Sulawesi Utara (Earthworm Density in Tomato Farming Exposed to Pesticides at Ampreng Village, Langowan Barat Sub District – North S
Yulita Tribrata, Ratna Siahaan, Johanis J Pelealu, Susan M Mambu
Penggunaan pestisida dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan produksi pertnaian tomat namun hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kepadatan cacing tanah.Penelitan bertujuan menganalisis kepadatan cacing tanah pada lahan pertanian tomat terpapar pestisida di Desa Ampreng, Kecamatan Langowan Barat –Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa di lahan pertanian ada dua jenis cacing tanah (Pontoscolex sp. dan Amynthas sp.) dan di lahan pekarangan ada empat jenis (Pontoscolex sp., Amynthas sp., Pheretima sp.dan Perionyx sp).Kepadatan relatif cacing tanah di lahan pertanian yaitu Pontoscolex sp. (66, 49 %) dan Amynthas sp. (33,51 %) dan pekarangan yaitu Pontoscolex sp. (68, 10%), Amynthas sp. (29,31 %), Pheretimasp. (1,72 %) dan Perionyxsp. (0,86 %). Kepadatan relatif cacing tanah yang lebih rendah di lahan pertanian dibandingkan lahan pekarangan dapat disebabkan oleh residu pestisida mankozeb (0,035 mg/kg) dan propineb (0,014 mg/kg). Faktor lain yang turut mempengaruhi yaitu serasah yang lebih sedikit di lahan pertanian tomat dibandingkan di lahan pertanian.
Kata kunci: cacing tanah, kepadatan relatif, pestisida, tomat, SulawesiUtara
The application of pesticides is intended to maintain the production of tomato however this may affect the density of earthworms. The aim of research was to analyze the density of earthworms in tomato farming applied pesticide at Ampreng Village, Langowan West Sub-District - North Sulawesi. The results showed that earthworms in the tomato farming were two taxa i.e Pontoscolex sp.and Amynthas sp and in the front yards were four taxa i.e. Pontoscolex sp Amynthas sp., Pheretima sp. and Perionyx sp). The relative density of earthworms in tomato farming were Pontoscolex sp (66, 49%) and Amynthas sp (33.51%) and front yardswere Pontoscolex sp (68, 10%), Amynthas sp (29.31%), Pheretima sp (1, 72%) and Perionyx sp (0.86%). The relative density of earthworms intomato farming was lower than front yards caused by residue of mancozeb (0.035 mg/kg) and propineb (0,014 mg/kg) and the litter factor. Tomato farming have smaller litter than front yard that reduced the density of earthworm.
Keywords: earthworm, relative density, pesticide, tomatoes, North Sulawesi