GUI Application to Setup Simple Graph on the Plane using Tkinter of Python
In graph theory, drawing a simple graph on the plane might result an intersection of pair of edges that is not intended as a vertex called crossing. The least amount of crossing in any simple drawing of a graph is the crossing number of that graph, ππ(πΊ). Given a graph G and an integer πΎ, the general problem to proof ππ(πΊ) β€ πΎ is an NP-Complete problem, which means, it is likely intractable. One of the way to proof ππ(πΊ) β€ πΎ is by showing the drawing of graph πΊ with πΎ number of crossing; doing it with a computer application can be much of help. Therefore, the purpose of our research is to create one using Tkinter of Python. The development of the application is feature driven. The developed features are used to find any simple drawing of graphs on the plane. As the result, the application can proof ππ(πΎ_3,3) β€ 1,Β ππ(πΎ_6) β€ 3, andΒ ππ(πΎπΊ_5,2) β€ 2.
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