Gambaran karakteristik gagal jantung pada bayi baru lahir di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode tahun 2013-2015

Reggie C. Gautama, Erling D. Kaunang, Suryadi N.N. Tatura


Abstract: Heart failure is one of the cardiovascular diseases to be the focus of attention. This study was aimed to obtain the characteristics of heart failure in newbornsat Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado in 2013-2015. This was a retrospective descriptive study with a cross-sectional design using data of medical records in Department of Pediatrics and Medical Records Center of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. The results showed that there were 22 samples consisted of males 55% and females45%.Clinical manifestations were as follows: fever (68%), cyanosis (64%), and breathing difficulty (45%). The physical examinations that were taken into account were vital signs (pulse: 152.86 x/minute; respiration rate: 70.59 x/minute; body temperature: 36.86°C), anthropometry (body weight: 3495.45 grams), head examination (anemic conjunctiva: 9%; icteric sclera: 42%), lung examination (retraction: 95%, ronchi: 14%), and heart examination (pansystolic murmur: 82%; systolic ejection murmur: 14%). The supportive workups that were taken into account included echocardiography (VSD: 68%; ASD: 9%; ASD and VSD: 9%; other congenital heart diseases: 14%), chest X-ray (normal: 91%; infiltrate spots in both lungs: 9%), and laboratory tests (low Ht count 45%; low Hb count 55%; low platelet count 68%; high leukocyte count 73%; high level of total bilirubin 77%; high level of direct bilirubin 73%; electrolytes (within normal limit: calcium 50%; sodium 46%, potassium 68%; and chloride 54%). Conclusion: In this study, the most dominant gender was male, and the clinical manifestations as follows: fever, cyanosis, and breathing difficulty; physical examination as follows: tachycardia, tachypnea, hypothermia, hyperthermia, icteric sclera, prominent retraction, and pansystolic murmur. Meanwhile, in the supportive workups the most common manifestations were VSD in echocardiography, and the laboratory tests as follows: decreased hematocrit count, hemoglobin, and platelets, and increased leukocyte count, and total and direct bilirubin levels.

Keywords: characteristics, heart failure, newborn infant


Abstrak: Gagal jantung merupakan salah satu penyakit kardiovaskular yang menjadi fokus perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik penderita gagal jantung pada bayi baru lahir di RSUP Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado tahun 2013-2015.Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif retrospektif dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan data rekam medik di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak dan Pusat Rekam Medik RSUP Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 22 sampel, terdiri dari sampel laki-laki sebanyak 55% dan perempuan 45%. Gambaran klinis berupa demam (68%), sianosis (64%) dan sesak napas (45%). Pemeriksaan fisik yang dinilai berupa tanda vital (nadi: 152,86x/menit; respirasi: 70,59x/menit; suhu: 36,860C), antropometri (berat badan: 3495,45 gram), pemeriksaan kepala (konjungtiva anemis: 9%; sklera ikterik: 42%), pemeriksaan paru-paru (retraksi: 95%; rhonki: 14%) dan pemeriksaan jantung (bising pansistolik: 82%; bising;ejeksi sistolik: 14%). Pemeriksaan penunjang ialah ekokardiografi (VSD: 68%; ASD: 9%; ASD dan VSD: 9%; PJB lainnya: 14%), foto toraks (normal: 91%; bercak infiltrat pada kedua lapang paru: 9%) dan pemeriksaan laboratorium (Ht rendah 45%; Hb rendah 55%; trombosit rendah 68%)leukosit tinggi 73%; kadar bilirubin total tinggi (77%); kadar bilirubin direk tinggi (73%); elektrolit (dalam batas normal: kalsium (50%), natrium (46%), kalium (68%), dan klorida (54%)) normal). Simpulan: Dalam studi ini yang terbanyak ditemukan ialah jenis kelamin laki-laki, temuan klinis demam, sianosis dan sesak napas, pemeriksaan fisik takikadia, takipneu, hipotermi dan hipertermi, sklera ikterik, retraksi, dan bising pansistolik.Pada pemeriksaan penunjang terbanyak ditemukan ialah VSD pada ekokardiografi dengan hasil laboratorium penurunan hematokrit, hemoglobin, dan trombosit serta peningkatan leukosit, bilirubin total, dan direk.

Kata kunci: karakteristik, gagal jantung, bayi baru lahir

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