Richard A. Lantemona, Julied Dehoop, Steward Mengko


Abstrak: Tonsilitis merupakan radang amandel dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus dan penyebab infeksi maupun non infeksi lainnya. Rangsangan dari rokok, paparan polusi, beberapa jenis makanan, kebersihan mulut yang buruk, pengaruh cuaca dan kelelahan fisik menjadi faktor predisposisi dari tonsillitis. Urbanisasi yang cepat dikota meningkatkan insiden infeksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kesehatan tenggorokan pada siswa SMK di perkotaan dan di desa. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif prospektif dengan melihat gambaran tenggorokan yaitu ukuran, permukaan dan warna tonsil serta faring setiap sampel secara cross-sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII jurusan Batu Beton SMK 1 Tumpaan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 orang dan jurusan Otomotif Ringan SMK 2 Manado dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 12 orang. Tujuan : Penelitian ini membandingkan gambaran kesehatan antara siswa SMK 1 Tumpaan dan siswa SMK 2 Manado. Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran kesehatan tenggorokan siswa SMK 1 Tumpaan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa SMK 2 Manado. Dimana didapatkan bahwa seluruh sampel penelitian di SMK 1 Tumpaan memiliki Permukaan dan warna tonsil serta faring yang normal dan ukuran tonsil yang masih relatif normal.

Kata Kunci : Tonsilitis, Survei, Urbanisasi

Abstract: Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils that can be caused by bacterial, viral and another cause of infectious or non- infectious disease. Stimulation of cigarettes ,pollution exposure ,some foods ,poor oral hygiene ,the influence of weather and physical fatigue predispose of tonsillitis. Rapid urbanization in the city increased incidence of infections. The objective of this study is to describe the health of the throat at the vocational students in urban and rural. Objective : This study compared the health of the throat in Tumpaan 1st vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school student and Manado 2nd vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school student. Methods : This study used a cross-sectional prospective descriptive method by looking at the size of the tonsils, surface and the color of each sample pharyngeal. The subjects were 12th grade students of Stone Concrete departments from Tumpaan 1st vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school with 20 people sample size and Automotive Lightweight departments from Manado 2nd vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school with 12 people sample size. Result : The results of this study indicate that the health overview of Tumpaan 1st vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school students is better than students of Automotive Lightweight departments from Manado 2nd vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school. Which found that the entire study sample at Tumpaan 1st vocational and pre-professional senior secondary school student’s surface and color of the tonsils and pharynx were normal and the tonsil size was relatively normal.

Key Words : Tonsillitis, Survey, Urbanization

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