Kurniawan K. Patambo, Linda W. A. Rotty, Stella Palar


Abstract: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a process of patofisiologis with multiple etiology, resulting in decline kidney function that is progressive and generally ending with kidney failure. The incidence of the patients with CKD in developing countries, is estimated to be around 40-60 cases per 1 million citiziens per year. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that there will be an increase in patients with kidney disease in Indonesia as much as 41.4% between 1995-2025. In Indonesia, from data in some parts of Nephrology, estimated incidence of CKD range 100-150 per 1 million citiziens. This research aims to know the description of iron status in Chronic Kidney Disease who undergoing Hemodialysis in Intalation of Hemodialysis was BLU Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital. Method: This study uses descriptive retrospective method based on primary data from research period November 2013 - December 2013 in the Installation of Hemodialysis was BLU. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital. Research variables used are age, sex, the results of the laboratory test, the cause of CKD, undergoing long-term of Hemodialysis. Result: The results are from 57 total patient who included in research criterion there 41 (72%) men  and 16 (28%) woman, based on the age group, group of age 41-64 38 (67%), the distribution of laboratory results based on hemoglobin levels in men at levels of 8-8.9 g/ dL, 15 (37%), as well as the women in the highest levels of hemoglobin levels of 8-8.9 g/ dL 5 (32%), based on hematocrit levels in men - most men in levels of 24-26.9% 14 (34%), and women most at levels of 21-23.9% 5 (32%), based on the highest value of serum iron value of 59-158 ug/ dL 33 (58%), based TIBC value most in the value <250 ug / dL 52 (91%), based on the highest value of transferrin saturation values​​ >50% 27 (48%), based on the most cause of CKD due Nefrosclerosis Hypertension 56 (98%). Conclusion: On this research most on sex men and age group 20-64.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Iron serum, TIBC, Transferrin saturation.



Abstrak: Penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) merupakan suatu proses patofisiologis dengan etiologi yang beragam, mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi ginjal yang progresif dan pada umumnya berakhir dengan gagal ginjal. Insidens penderita PGK di  negara-negara berkembang, diperkirakansekitar 40 - 60 kasus perjuta penduduk per tahun. World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan akan terjadi peningkatan pasien dengan penyakit ginjal di Indonesia sebesar 41,4% antara tahun 1995-2025. Di Indonesia, dari data di beberapa bagian nefrologi, diperkirakan insidens PGK berkisar 100-150 per 1  juta penduduk.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran status besi pada Penyakit Ginjal Kronik yang menjalani Hemodialisis di Instalasi Tindakan Hemodialisis BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode retrospektif deskriptif berdasarkan data primer pada periode November 2013 – Desember 2013 di Instalasi Tindakan Hemodialisis BLU RSUP. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou dengan variabel penelitian yang digunakan yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, hasil laboratorium, penyebab PGK, lama menjalani Hemodialisis. Hasil: Hasil dari peneltian ini adalah dari 57 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi berdasarkan jenis kelamin, laki – laki 41 (72%) dan perempuan 16 (28%), berdasarkan kelompok umur terbanyak pada usia 41-64 tahun 38 (67%), distribusi hasil laboratorium berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin, laki – laki terbanyak pada kadar 8-8,9 g/dL 15 (37%), sama halnya pada perempuan 5 (32%), berdasarkan kadar hematokrit pada laki – laki terbanyak pada kadar 24-26,9% 14 (34%), dan perempuan pada kadar 21 – 23,9% 5 (32%), berdasarkan nilai serum iron terbanyak nilai 59-158 ug/dL 33 (58%), berdasarkan nilai TIBC terbanyak nilai <250 ug/dL 52 (91%), berdasarkan nilai saturasi transferin ter-banyak nilai >50% 27 (48%), berdasarkan penyebab PGK terbanyak akibat Hipertensi nefrosklerosis 56 (98%).

Simpulan:pada penelitian ini terbanyak pada jenis kelamin laki – laki dan kelompok umur 20 – 64 tahun.

Kata kunci: Penyakit ginjal kronik, Serum iron, TIBC, Saturasi transferin.

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