Merinchiana ., Hendri Opod, Jimmy Maryono


Abstract: Anxiety due tooth extraction can causes obstacles for the operators and it delivers several problems. To overcome this anxiety, a consideration treatment is required, to settle anxiety experienced by patients. One of the solutions is to inhale lavender aromatherapy. Essensial oil of lavender can affect the brain activity through nerve system related to sense of smell and it connects with psychology condition such as emotional. This study aimed to describe the anxiety of patients with tooth extraction before and after inhaling lavender aromatherapy. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. There were 30 respondents who are going to be undergone tooth extraction. Physical evaluation such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration, and Visual analogue scale (VAS) for measureing anxiety were used. The results showed that patients had lower blood pressure, pulse, respiration as well as VAS after they inhaled lavender aromatherapy. Conclusion: Patients who were going to undergo tooth extraction had declined anxiety after inhalation of Lavender aromatherapy.
Keywords: tooth extraction, anxiety, visual analogue scale, lavender aromatherapy

Abstrak: Kecemasan karena ekstraksi gigi dapat menjadi penghambat bagi operator dan menimbulkan banyak masalah. Untuk mengatasi masalah kecemasan diperlukan pertimbangan perawatan yang dapat menanggulangi kecemasan yang dialami pasien salah satu diantaranya dengan menghirup aromaterapi lavender. Minyak esensial lavender dapat memengaruhi aktivitas fungsi kerja otak melalui saraf yang berhubungan dengan indera penciuman dan berkaitan dengan kondisi psikologis seperti emosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kecemasan pasien ekstraksi gigi sebelum dan sesudah menghirup aromaterapi lavender. Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada 30 responden yang akan menjalani prosedur ekstraksi gigi dengan menggunakan evalusi fisik berupa tekanan darah, nadi, dan respirasi, serta visual analogue scale (VAS) untuk mengukur kecemasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekanan darah, nadi, dan respirasi serta VAS pasien yang cemas mengalami penurunan setelah menghirup aromaterapi lavender. Simpulan: Kecemasan pasien ekstraksi gigi mengalami penurunan setelah menghirup aromaterapi lavender.
Kata kunci: ekstraksi gigi, kecemasan, visual analogue scale, aromaterapi lavender

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