The research was aimed to determine the types of insect pests that attack corn in storage. This was conducted from April to July, 2011 in the district of Mootilango, Gorontalo Province. The sampling was conducted in a purposive sampling, which is taking the samples of suspected commodity corn pests. Samples were taken by the corn at the corner and the center of the diagonal area of which as many as 250 grams, then put them into a jar and covered with a soft cloth. Sampling was carried out four times in every two weeks. The research found seven types of insect pests on the corn in storage, which consisted of six orders of Coleoptera and 1 order of Lepidoptera. The results showed that, the identification of insect pests were: Sitophilus sp., Ahasverus sp., Oryzaephilus sp., Tribolium sp., Rhyzopertha sp., Cryptolestes sp., and Sitotroga sp. Sitophilus sp., an insect pest with the highest population, was reached an average of 79.01 individuals, followed by Tribolium sp. (14.79 individuals), Cryptolestes sp. (13.30 individuals), Oryzaephilus sp. (11.26 individuals), Ahasverus sp. (7.45 individuals), Sitotroga sp. (4.30 individuals) and Rhyzopertha sp. (2.15 individuals).
Keywords : Insect pest storage, corn
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis serangga hama yang menyerang jagung pipilan di penyimpanan. Penelitian telah dilakukan sejak bulan April sampai dengan Juli 2011 di Kecamatan Mootilango, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu dengan mengambil sampel komoditi jagung pipilan yang diduga terserang hama. Sampel komoditi jagung pipilan diambil pada bagian sudut dan bagian tengah (diagonal) yang masing-masing sebanyak 250 gram, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam stoples dan disungkup dengan kain kasa halus. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali dengan interval waktu 2 minggu sekali. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 7 jenis serangga hama pada jagung pipilan dipenyimpanan yang terdiri dari 6 ordo Coleoptera dan 1 ordo Lepidoptera. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa serangga hama yang ditemukan adalah Sitophilus sp., Ahasverus sp., Oryzaephilus sp., Tribolium sp., Rhyzopertha sp., Cryptolestes, dan Sitotroga sp. Sitophilus sp. merupakan serangga hama dengan populasi tertinggi yakni mencapai rata-rata 79,01 individu, kemudian diikuti oleh Tribolium sp. (14,79 individu), Cryptolestes sp. (13,30 individu), Oryzaephilus sp. (11,26 individu), Ahasverus sp. (7,45 individu), Sitotroga sp. (4,30 individu) dan Rhyzopertha sp. (2,15 individu)
Eugenia Volume 18 No. 3 Desember 2012
Kata kunci : serangga hama gudang, jagung pipilanFull Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35791/eug.18.3.2012.4093
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