Vilma Victa Rikumahu, Jantje Pongoh, J. M. Paulus



Research has been implemented as of July 2012, in the  BPSB Laboratory  of North Sulawesi Province i.e.: 1) to test the seed lacking in vigour during the Random Complete Design with three treatments of the various harvest ages, i.e. U1 (90 dasy), U2 (100 days) and U3 (110 days) treatments repeated four times; 2) in the greenhouse to see the amount of the normal, sprouts abnormal, seeds, hard seed and dead, shoot root ratio by using the Random Completed Design with two factors, respectively are : factorial in complete factors of the first different age harvest U1 (90 days), U2 (100 days) and U3 (110 days), the second factor granting of the water with different capacity P1 (3600 ml), P2 (2700 ml), P3 (1800 ml) and P4 (900 ml). Data analysis were found by the various analysis, however if there are different results, it would continue on the Smallest Significant Test. The results showed that, Electric Power Conductivity (EPC) affected by the age of harvest seed corn. The highest EPC at the harvest ages of 90 days and the lowest at 100 days and 110 days. It would be shown that the great value of EPC, the smallest amount of germination. There is no interaction between the age of abnormal seeds, hard seed die, shoot root ratio and high sprouts, but single factor treatment of harvest age and media planting humidity were significantly effected toward sprout normal, abnormal seed, hard seed die, shoot root ratio and high sprouts.

Keywords : corn seed, harvest ages, humidity



Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak bulan Juli 2012, penelitian pertama di Laboratorium Balai Penelitian dan Sertifikasi Benih (BPSB) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, untuk menguji vigor benih menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan umur panen yang berbeda: U1 (90 Hari), U2 (100 Hari) dan U3 (110 hari) perlakuan diulang empat kali. Penelitian kedua di Rumah Kaca untuk melihat jumlah kecambah normal, abnormal, benih keras,benih mati dan nisbah pupus akar  menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap disusun secara faktorial  dengan  2 faktor  masing-masing adalah : faktor pertama : Umur Panen yang berbeda, U1 (90 Hari), U2 (100 Hari) dan U3 (110 hari). faktor kedua pemberian air dengan kapasitas yang berbeda, P1 (3600 ml), P2 (2700 ml), P3 (1800 ml) dan P4 (900 ml). Data yang diperoleh menggunakan analisa ragam dan jika terdapat perbedaan perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil  (BNT). Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah; Daya hantar listrik (DHL) dipengaruhi oleh umur panen benih jagung, DHL tertinggi pada umur panen 90 hari dan yang terendah umur panen 100 dan 110 hari. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin besar nilai DHL semakin kecil jumlah perkecambahan. Tidak terdapat interaksi antara umur panen benih dan kelembaban media tanam terhadap jumlah kecambah normal, abnormal, benih keras, benih mati, nisbah pupus akar dan tinggi kecambah tetapi secara tunggal faktor perlakuan umur panen dan kelembaban media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap kecambah normal, abnormal, benih keras, benih mati, nisbah pupus akar dan tinggi kecambah.

Kata kunci : benih jagung, umur panen, kelembaban



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