Fertilizer from Organic Waste: A Case Study of Small-Scale Biogas Reactors

Susan Marlein Mambu, Glanny M C Mangindaan, Agustina Monalisa Tangapo


Small-scale biogas technology has been used globally for decades, and the potential application is providing great alternative means for managing organic waste. A large amount of yard waste such as grass, leaves, and branches is produced, which is a problem that needs to be effectively solved. Composting is a sustainable organic waste management practice that converts organic waste into valuable products such as liquid organic fertilizer and biogas. This study aimed to develop a small-scale biogas project to evaluate the feasibility of implanting the composting technology for the management of organic waste and to obtain an end-product with a commercial value as liquid organic fertilizer. The result indicated that creating a small-scale biogas reactor is more cost-effective, and eco-friendly, and showed a suitable development of the composting process, presenting a sustainable waste treatment method into valuable products such as liquid organic fertilizer and biogas that manages potentially harmful organic wastes. 


bioenergy; biogas reactor; organic waste; organic liquid fertilizer

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jbcw.v2i1.42729


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