Renni Elga, Stella M. Karouw, Olga H.S. Karamoy



                                        KAJIAN PSIKOLOGI SASTRA

                                                     Renni Elga1

                                                   Stella Karouw2

                                                   Olga Karamoy3


     Penelitian ini menganalisis kepribadian tokoh utama dalam novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Priscilia Angelina berdasarkan teori kepribadian Sigmund Freud yang terdiri dari tiga aspek yaitu id, ego, dan super ego. Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana aspek psikologi id, ego, dan super ego tokoh utama dalam novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Pricillia Angelina? dan apakah aspek psikologi id, ego, dan super ego tokoh utama dalam novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Priscilia Angelina dapat dijumpai di kehidupan masa kini? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis aspek psikologi id, ego, dan super ego tokoh utama dalam novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Priscilia Angelina dan menemukan aspek psikologi id, ego, dan super ego tokoh utama dalam novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Priscilia Angelina di kehidupan masa kini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu novel Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan karya Ruth Priscilia Angelina. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan jika pengarang menggambarkan tokoh utama mengalami banyak permasalahan psikologi karena didikan orang tua sehingga memengaruhi kepribadian mereka. Dari aspek id, ego, dan super ego, tokoh Shira dominan aspek id yang terlalu khawatir dengan banyak hal yang belum pasti kebenarannya. Tokoh Joshua dominan aspek ego yang cepat mengambil tindakan karena terbayang-bayang rasa bersalah, ia terlalu takut akan melakukan kesalahan yang sama. Dari penelitian ini juga dapat disimpulkan jika aspek id, ego, dan super ego tokoh utama dapat kita temukan di kehidupan masa kini.

Kata kunci: Psikologi Sastra, Tokyo dan Perayaan Kesedihan, Sigmund Freud.



     This study analyzes the personality of the main character in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina based on Sigmund Freud's personality theory which consists of three aspects, namely id, ego, and super ego. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main characters in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Pricillia Angelina? and are the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main characters in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina discoverable in today's life? The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main character in the 3 novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina and discover the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main character in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina in present life? The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main characters in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina and discover the psychological aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main characters in the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina in today's life. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. The object of research in this study is the novel Tokyo and the Celebration of Sorrow by Ruth Priscilia Angelina. From this research, it can be concluded that the author describes the main character as experiencing many psychological problems because of the upbringing of parents so that it affects their personality. From the aspects of id, ego, and super ego, Shira's character is dominant in the id aspect who is too worried about many things that are not certain of the truth. Joshua's character is dominant in the ego aspect who is quick to take action because of the shadow of guilt, he is too afraid of making the same mistakes. From this research, it can also be concluded that aspects of the id, ego, and super ego of the main character can be found in today's life.

Keyword: Literary Psychology, Tokyo and Celebration of Sorrow, Sigmund Freud.

1Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan

2Dosen Pembimbing Materi

3Dosen Pembimbing Teknis

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