Junita Lorenza Mewengkang, Isnawati L. Wantasen, Garryn Ch. Ranuntu



                                       Junita Lorenza Mewengkang¹

                                            Isnawati L. Wantasen²

                                             Garryn Ch. Ranuntu³


     This research is entitled “The Depiction of Violence in the Film Joker (2019)”. It is written to fulfill the requirement of accomplishing bachelor’s degree in English Department Faculty of Humanities Sam Ratulangi University. The focus of this research is to find out the types of violence in the film. This research includes the types of violence. The writer used concepts from Galtung (1971) to identify and classify the data. The writer also used the theory from Mary H. Snyder (2011) to analyze the depiction of violence and 13 depiction of violence in the film “Joker (2019)”. The result of this research shows 4 types of violence and 13 depiction of violence. The types of violence are defensive violence, revenge, agresive violence, and direct violence. The depiction of violence are Arthur saves himself from the people and accidentaly he shoot them, Arthur took revenge on his mother and killed her in the hospital, Arthur stabbed Randall’s eye and neck with scissors, Arthur killed Randall, three passengers train taking Arthur’s bag forcibly, Arthur slapped by passenger train, Arthur tortured by three passengers train, Arthur forcibly pulled documents in hospital, Arthur slapped by Thomas Wayne, Passengers train had Arthur and they beat him. .

Keywords: Violence, Types of Violence, Depiction of Violence, Film, Theory of Film.


1Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan

2Dosen Pembimbing Materi

3Dosen Pembimbing Teknis 

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