Peranan Masyarakat Adat TOBARU Dalam Penyelengaraan Pembangunan Di Kecamatai Ibu Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

Halger Tetoyo, Burhanuddin Kiyai


Abstract: National development has been, is and will be expected to improve the well-being and prosperity of society. In the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 shape paragraph IV summarized the purpose of the Republic of Indonesia is development. As for the formulation of the problem in this paper is how Tobaru custom community role in maintenance of rural development in the District of North Head West Halmahera District? Referring to the formulation of the problems set forth above, then the object of the study was "to find out how Tobaru indigenous role in the maintenance of rural development in the District of North Head West Halmahera District. North Capital District is geographically located on land that lies to the west of the island of Halmahera in the position of territory extending from the east to the western area of ​​about 1234.5 km2.

Based on data analysis results which have been presented in the previous section, then some conclusions can be drawn, as follows: Tobaru role in the maintenance of indigenous rural development in the District of North Head unrealized optimally. refer to the results of the findings in this study, then the things that have sought solutions / troubleshooting tips are as follows: To optimize TOBARU role in the maintenance of indigenous rural development, particularly in the District of North Head.

Keywords: TOBARU indigenous role, rural development

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