Studi Kelayakan Usaha Pemanfaatan Air Hasil Separasi/Brine Water Panas Bumi Untuk Industri Tepung Kelapa

Yames Jounas Richard Suawa, Joutje Warouw


Abstract: This study assessed the feasibility of the use of brine water instead of steam generators (boilers) in the dessicated coconut industry which assessed the technical and economic viability. The study was conducted by comparing the quality and quantity of steam produced by boiler using the geothermal brine water. It also compared the feasibility of flour industry that used steam generator (boiler) and flour industry that used brine water The conclusion of this study showed that brine water can be used instead of steam generator (boiler). In addition, it showed economically feasible as a business unit. Therefore, brine water can be recommended to investors who are building the dessicate coconut industry around geothermal potential area.

Keywords: Feasibility study, geothermal brine water, coconut industri

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