Respons Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah dalam Program Pensertipikatan Tanah di Kelurahan Kombos Timur Manado

Martina Tambahani, John Hein Goni


Abstract: The purpose of the  research was to find out and examine how the response of low-income communities in the land tiling program in th village East Kombos, Manado. The research method used was qualitative through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants totaled 24 people consisting of 17 heads of households who have received tthe program, village leader, a man of the district, one person from Manado City land office and four  from North Sulawesi Provincial BPN Regional office. The result showed that response of land certification program for low income people was good enough because in terms of requirement to reach the communiy with the help of a certificate from the village office. In terms of time did not require to wait too long at a cost that was relaively affordable and straightforward procedure. The impact of this program,after obataining a certificate of land they  have, their access to funders such as banks were very easily obtained and the funds received were  used as their capital. It Could be concluded that the public response was quite good. The community were enthusiastically received in the execution of the program, because in terms of requirements it could be reached, in terms of time not too long with a relatively affordable cost and the procedure was not straightforward. The impact of this program, after obtaining the certificates on the land they had, their access to funders such as banks were very easily obtained and their welfare improved Key Words: low-income communities, land certification program

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