Kajian Pelayanan Publik di Kantor Camat Airmadidi Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

Rano Sweedly Edward Suatan, John Hein Goni


Abstract: The purpose of this study to assess the extent to which the Head Office Airmadidi service in North Minahasa regency. Based on these problems then the purpose of this study is to assess the public service to the community members at Head Office Airmadidi North Minahasa regency with emphasis on the factors of employee motivation, employee labor discipline and employee participation in training. Research methodology was qualitative research methodology to establish whether the status of employee informants structural and staff employees, religious leaders, students and community. In data collection is done using the primary data that more priority to interview people in depth interviews and the results are presented in the summary of the interview guide. The results showed that the public service performed by the apparatus is effective Airmadidi Head Office so that the community as the applicant's experience in service. Within a few things to note there is a commitment among employees and a strong determination to achieve and improve service quality. However not all services can be achieved because there are constraints and obstacles faced by employees in the Office of Head Airmadidi. However, the existence of favorable conditions of work environment can be minimized, then the constraints and obstacles that dihadinya it. From this study it can be concluded that the public service in the Office of Head Airmadidi has gone well according to the List of Assessment Implementation of Civil Works (DP3) is one of the points include job performance and employee responsibilities are the overall value of all employees and each employee is well worth have a workbook to see the results of the performance achievements of what he was doing. Advice authors to further improve public services effectively and efficiently Airmadidi District Government should create and enforce Standard Operating Services to further improve the quality of public services better.Keywords: Public Services, Standard Operating Services.

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