Implementasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara di Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Manado

Sambudi ., Donald A Rumokoy


Abstract: The aimed of this research are to mechanism and implementation of the management of the State Property at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court. Under the qualitative approach, the data were collected through observation and interview. The informants were selected using the purposive sampling technique which specifically targeted the managers and the staff of the General Sub-Division and the Finance Sub-Division of the Manado Religious/Family High Court, as well the Property Treasurer who also acts as the Accounting Management System State Property administrator. Secondary data of from documents that have anything to do with focus issues were also collected from the Manado Religious/Family High Court. Data were then analyzed descriptively by examining the interview results and related documents. These data were further compared with the result of the field observation on the real practice of the management of the State Property at the research location. It can be concluded that administratively, the mechanism of the management of state property at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court has run well according to the respective regulations. The implementation, however, is still below the stated standard. It is recommended that in order to overcome the problems suggested in the findings, the controlling mechanism by the top leaders at the Manado Religious/ Family High Court should be maximized, coordinations between the the managers and staff should be intensified, and ultimately, the leaders of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia should be more active in communicationg and socializing the rules and regulations on the management of state property to the leaders of the sub-ordinating courts leaders/managers. Key words: Implementation, State Property management

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