Winda J. Nangoi, Linnie Pondaag, Rivelino Hamel


ABSTRAK: Bachground: Nurses are health pri|essnnats who provide services in 24 hours compared to other health professionals, so that a decisive role in improving the quality of care through pedormance result are given as well as the presence of the rewmd system, may affect the perfortnance of nurses and will affect the quality of hospital serviee. Purpose: to determine the relationship of the system rewmdwith the performance of nurses in lrina A Prof, lrina Dr. R. D. Kandou hospital of Marndo. Methods: The study was cross sectional, with sampling is the total sampling totaling to 48 nurses. Resalts: of 48 respondents indicated that a good system reward as many as 28 people (58.3%o), and good nursing performance as much as 37 people (77.1%o). For givW a poor reward as many as 20 people (41.7o/o) and poor performance of the nurse as many as I I people (22.9%0). The results of the bivariate conelation test results obtoined chi square p value of 0.034 p (<0.05). Value of 0.034 is below the alpha value of 5% (0.05), so there is a significant relationship between the reward system with the performance of nurses in the lrina A Prof,, Dr. R. D Kandou hospital of Manado so it needs to be maintained and improved. Suggestion: Prof,, Dr. R. D Kandou hospital can maintain, improve and enhsnce the system reward should not only be in the form ofJinancial as money but also in the form of non-financial in the form of praise or provide training to nurses, as a whole in order to motivate nurses in their work Key words: Reward, Performance of nurses. ABSTRAK : Latar Belakang: Perawat merupakan t€naga kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan dalam 24 jam dibandingkan dengan tenaga kesehatan lainny4 sehingga perarmya menjadi penentu dalarn meningkatkan mutu pelayanan lewat hasil kinerja yang diberikan serta dengan adanya pemberian reward, dapat mempengaruhi kinerja perawat serta akan mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pemberian reward dengan kinerja perawat di ruangan Irina A RSUP Prof. Dr. R D. Kandou Manado. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini dengan pendekatan cross sectionalo dengan pengambilan sarnpl ialah dengan total sampling berjumlah 48 perawat pelaksana Hasil penelitian: dari 48 responden menunjukkan bahwa pemberian reward yang baik sebanyak 28 orang (58,3o/o), dan kinerja perawat yang baik sebanyak 37 orang (77,lyo). Hasil uji korelasi bivariat chi square diperoleh hasil nilai p value sebesar 0,034 p (<0,05). Nilai 0,034 berada dibawah nilai alpha syo (0,05), dengan demikian terdapat hubungan antara pemberian reward dengan kinerja perawat di ruangan Irina A RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado sehingga perlu dipertalrankan dan ditingkatkan. Saran: RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou dapat mempertahankan, dan meningkatkan pemberian reword bukan hanya harus dalam bentuk finansial seperti uang tetapi juga dalam bentuk non finansial yaitu dalam bentuk pujian atau memberikan pelatihan kepada perawat, agar bisa memotivasi perawat dalam bekerja. Kata Kunci : Pemberian Reward, Kinerja

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Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sam Ratulangi


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