Prilcilia Lestari Palit


Abstract : Patients in ICU are mostly immunocompromized and are monitored invasively so they are very susceptible to infection. Infections that occur in healthcare services are called nosocomial infections. Nosocomial infection is an infections that acquired in hospital or healthcare service units that first appear 48 hours or more after hospital admission or within30 days after patient is discharge from patient care. The incidence of nososcomial insfections in ICU is higher than in other inpatient units, which is around 75%. Several studies on microbial patterns in hospital that have been reported indicate changes in microbe pattern. Aims : To determinate the description of microbial patterns and antibiotic sensitivity in ICU patients at R. D. Kandou General Hospital Education, Manado for the period of July 2017 – July 2018. Methods : This study was conducted in a retrospective descriptive design. Data is collected from secondary data of patient’s medical record. Results : Based on the research, there were 16 types of microbes. Most of the microbes are Acinetobacter baumanii  (26%), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (20%)  Eschericia coli (12%), Streptococcus viridans (8%),  Staphylococcus aureus (6%). Data from antbiotic sensitivity test results did not provide significant results.Conclusion : The most commonly found microbes which derived from gram negative bacteria was Acinetobacter baumanii with antibiotic sensitivity test data did not provide significant results.Key words : antibiotic sensitivity, ICU, microbial pattern, , nosocomial infections.

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