Kandungan Klorofil Total Daun Pada Padi Lokal Sulawesi Utara Yang Mengalami Cekaman Banjir

Fitria Tjolleng, Parluhutan Siahaan, Nio Song Ai


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon fisiologi tanaman padi lokal Sulawesi Utara (varietas Ombong, Temo, TB, dan Sultan) terhadap cekaman banjir pada fase vegetatif berdasarkan kandungan klorofil total pada daun. Pot dan tanaman padi dimasukkan ke dalam ember sehingga terendam setinggi 27 cm di atas permukaan media. Perlakuan cekaman kebanjiran berlangsung selama 20 hari. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada hari ke-0 (sebelum perlakuan), 10, 15 dan 20 setelah perlakuan. Daun diambil sebanyak 1 g kemudian dihaluskan dan diekstraksi menggunakan alkohol 95% dan kandungan klorofil diukur dengan spektrofotometer. Data kandungan klorofil total dalam percobaan faktorial dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam dalam rancangan acak lengkap pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor varietas, faktor waktu dan interaksi antara keduanya tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata pada kandungan klorofil total pada daun tanaman padi (varietas Ombong, Temo, TB, dan Sultan) selama 20 hari perlakuan cekaman banjir

This study examined the physiological responses of North Sulawesi local rice plants in (Ombong, Temo, TB, and Sultan varieties) to partial submergence at the vegetative phase based on the content of total chlorophyll in the rice leaves. The pot and plants were submerged under water in a bucket about 27 cm above the surface of the media. The submergence treatment was lasted for 20 days. Data collection was carried out at day 0 (before treatment), 10, 15 and 20 after treatment. The leaves (about 1 g for ach sample) were collected, then refined and extracted using 95% ethanol. The total chlorophyll content was measured using spectrophotometer. Data of total chlorophyll content in the factorial experiment were analyzed using analysis of variance under completely randomized design at a 95% confidence level. The results of this study indicated that variety and time factors as well as their interactions showed no significant differences in the content of total chlorophyll in the leaves of rice plant varieties (Ombong, Temo, TB, and Sultan) during 20 days of partial submergence

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jm.8.2.2019.23516


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