Barcode DNA Tanaman Leilem (Clerodendrum minahassae L.) Berdasarkan Gen matK
Gen matK merupakan gen pengkode protein maturaseK yang terdapat pada kloroplas tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan urutan nukleotida dari barcode DNA tanaman leilem (Clerodendrum minahassae L.) berdasarkan gen matK. Prosedur penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi: isolasi DNA total tanaman leilem, amplifikasi gen matK melalui PCR, sekuensing hasil PCR, serta penentuan barcode DNA leilem. Isolasi DNA total dari tanaman leilem telah dilakukan berdasarkan prosedur manual dari InnuPrep Plant DNA Kit yang dimodifikasi dengan menghasilkan larutan berwarna hijau kekuningan yang menunjukkan adanya klorofil yang larut. Gen matK parsial telah diisolasi dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) menggunakan Primer Forward matK-1RKIM-f dan Primer Reverse matK-3FKIM-r. Analisis urutan nukleotida matK menghasilkan fragmen berukuran 843 pb. Kedua urutan nukleotida matK dari sampel tanaman leilem yang berasal dari Kauditan dan Tomohon menunjukkan hasil barcode DNA yang sama.
MaturaseK is a protein encoded by matK gene which is located in plant chloroplast. The aim of this research was to determine the DNA barcode of leilem plant (Clerodendrum minahassae L.) based on matK nucleotides sequence. This research was done by isolating total DNA of leilem, amplified matK gene by PCR, sequencing the PCR product, and determined the DNA barcode of leilem. Total DNA of leilem plant was isolated by using the modified procedure from InnuPrep Plant DNA Kit. The DNA isolation resulted a green-yellowish solution which shows dissolved chlorophyll. Partial matK gene was amplified using PCR method with matK-1RKIM-f as forward primer and matK-3FKIM-r as reverse primer. Amplification by PCR resulted a 843 bp DNA fragment of matK. Both nucleotide sequences of matK from two samples of leilem plant taken from Kauditan and Tomohon showed the same DNA barcode.
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