Tetris Farikah, Sri Seprianto Maddusa, Oksfriani Jufri Sumampouw


Nitrogen Dioksia (NO2) adalah salah satu komponen utama yang mempengaruhi kualitas udara, yang dihasilkan dari proses pembakran bahan bakan pada mesin kendaraan bermotor Basement merupakan tempat yang berisiko terhaap terjadinya pencemaran udara yang disebabkan emisi gas kendaraan bermotor sehingga kualitas udara di basement berpotensi tercemar oleh gas NO2.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur kadar NO2 ­di area parkir basement Jumbo Swalayan Kota Manado serta membandingkan hasil pengukuran kadar NO2 di area basement dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 41 Tahun 1999. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional, lokasi penelitian dilakukan diarea parker basement yang dilaksanakan paa bulan November 2018, dengan lokasi pengukuran sampel yang diambil mewakili 3 titik. Pada setiap titik diukur kadar NO2 menggunakan alat Impinger dengan metode GriessSaltzman berdasarkan SNI. 19-7119.2.2005 kemudian pemeriksaan menggunakan spektrofotometri, alat mengukur suhu dan kelembaban yaitu thermohigrometer datalogger, serta alat mengukur kecepatan angin yaitu anemometer.Hasil kadar NO2 terendah sebesar 21,10µg/Nm3 pengukuran diambil pada minggu kedua dam kadar NO2 tertinggi 134,04µg/Nm3 diambil pada minggu pertama, sehingga kadar NO2 di area basement Jumbo Swalayan tidak melebihi baku mutu yaitu 400µg/Nm3 berdasarkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 41 Tahun 1999.


Kata Kunci : Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2), Basement



Nitrogen Dioxia (NO2) is one of the main components that affect air quality, which results from the process of combustion of fuel in the engine of a Basement motor vehicle is a risky place for air pollution caused by gas emissions of motor vehicles so that the air quality in the basement has the potential to be polluted by gas NO2. The purpose of this study was to measure the levels of NO2 in the Manado City Jumbo Supermarket Jumbo basement parking area and compare the results of the measurement of NO2 levels in the basement area with the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 41 of 1999. This study used an observational research design, the location of the study was conducted in a basement parking area held in November 2018, with the measurement location of the samples taken representing 3 points. At each point NO2 levels were measured using the Impinger tool using the Griess Saltzman method based on SNI. 19-7119.2.2005 then examination using spectrophotometry, a tool to measure temperature and humidity, namely thermohigrometer datalogger, and a tool to measure wind speed, namely anemometer. The results of the lowest NO2 level of 21.10µg / Nm3 measurements were taken in the second week and the highest NO2 level of 134.04µg / Nm3 was taken in the first week, so that NO2 levels in the Supermarket Jumbo basement area did not exceed the quality standard of 400µg / Nm3 based on Republic Government Regulations Indonesia No. 41 of 1999.


Keywords: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Basement

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