John Christian Mabuat, Sri Seprianto Maddusa, Harvani Boky


Pencemaran lingkungan dapat terjadi baik di udara maupun di air. Di Indonesia sendiri banyak terjadi pencemaran air, khususnya di sungai. Air sungai sebagai salah satu sumber air yang biasa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Pencemaran yang terjadi di aliran sungai dapat di akibatkan oleh bahan pencemar yang masuk kedalam aliran sungai tersebut. Salah satu bahan pencemar yang masuk yaitu logam berat. Arsen (As) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang menjadi bahan pencemar yang dapat merusak lingkungan dan mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Daerah aliran sungai Tondano terdapat banyak lahan pertanian dan peternakan, serta terdapat beberapa industri bengkel otomotif, yang dapat menghasilkan limbah yang mengandung logam berat seperti As. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat As pada air, ikan, kerang dan sedimen di daerah aliran sungai Tondano. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif berbasis laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer). Sampel air diambil di tiga titik dengan 2 kali yaitu pada pagi dan sore hari, sedangkan sampel sedimen, ikan, dan kerang hanya di ambil 1 kali pengambilan di 3 titik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sampel air pada pagi hari yaitu di titik 1 = <0,0002 mg/l, titik 2 = <0,0002 mg/l, titik 3 = 0,013 sedangkan pada sore hari yaitu titik 1 = <0,0002 mg/l, titik 2 = <0,0002 mg/l, titik 3 = <0,0002mg/l. Sampel ikan titik 1 = <0,0002 mg/kg, titik 2 = <0,0002 mg/kg, titik 3 = 0,04 mg/kg. Sampel kerang titik 1 = 0,10 mg/kg, titik 2 = 0,15 mg/kg, titik 3 = 0,32 mg/kg. Sampel sedimen titik 1 = 3,019 mg/kg, titik 2 = 2,906 mg/kg, titik 3 = 1,386 mg/kg. Dari keseluruhan sampel yang diperiksa menunjukan bahwa sampel air, ikan, kerang dan sedimen belum melebihi batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan.

Kata Kunci: Arsen, Sungai, Air, Ikan, Kerang, Sedimen

Environmental pollution could occur in the air and in the water. In Indonesia itself, water pollution occurance is high, especially in river. Considering the river water as one water source that utilized by people who lived in watershed. Pollution occurred in river flow caused by contaminant who got into the river flow. One contaminant which got into is heavy metal. Arsenic is one of heavy metal, it can be a contaminant which can ruin the environment and affect human’s health. Tondano watershed have much agricultural land and farms and has some automotive repair shop industry that can produce waste which contained heavy metal such as Arsenic. This research is to measure Arsenic heavy metal content in water, fish, shell and sediment in Tondano watershed. The method used in this research is descriptive, based on the laboratory examination on arsenic level using water, fish, shell and sediment as samples, used AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer). The water samples were taken twice, in the morning and afternoon in three locations and at the same time the sediment, fish and shell samples were taken just once in three locations. The result of this research showed that water samples in the morning in first location= <0,0002 mg/l, second location= <0,0002 mg/l, third location= 0,013 the same time in the afternoon in first location= <0,0002 mg/l, second location= <0,0002 mg/l, third location= <0,0002 mg/l. The fish samples in first location= <0,0002 mg/kg, second location= <0,0002 mg/kg, third location= 0,04 mg/kg. The shell samples in first location= 0,10 mg/kg, second location= 0,15 mg/kg, third location= 0,32 mg/kg. The sediment samples in first location= 3,019 mg/kg, second location= 2,906 mg/kg, third location= 1,386 mg/kg. As the samples are examinated, it showed that water, fish, shell and sediment samples had not exceeded the specified quality standard.

Keyword: Arsenic, river, water, fish, shell, sediment

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