Andi R. Syarifudin, Sri Seprianto Maddusa, Rahayu H. Akili


Air sungai sebagai salah satu sumber air yang biasa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Timbal merupakan salah satu unsur logam berat yang dapat mengakibatkan keracunan pada makhluk hidup. Efek timbal terhadap kesehatan manusia yaitu dapat mengganggu sistem reproduksi berupa kemandulan dan sistem kerja saraf, jantung dan ginjal. Logam berat timbal yang terdapat dalam air serta menumpuk pada sedimen akan masuk ke dalam kehidupan organisme didalamnya. Logam berat pada konsentrasi tertentu akan terakumulasi ke dalam air, biota serta sedimen dalam perairan yang dapat menimbulkan efek toksik.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan timbal pada air, ikan, kerang dan sedimen di daerah aliran sungai Tondano. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif berbasis laboratorium dengan pemeriksaan kadar timbal pada sampel air, ikan, kerang dan sedimen menggunakan metode AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer). Sampel air diambil di tiga titik pada pagi dan sore hari, sampel sedimen diambil pada tiga titik dan ikan serta kerang masing – masing satu titik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sampel air pada pagi dan sore yaitu di titik 1 = 0,14 mg/l, titik 2 = 0,10 mg/l, titik 3 = 0,14 dan pada sore hari yaitu titik 1 = ,12 mg/l, titik 2 = 0,09 mg/l, titik 3 = 0,11 mg/l. Sampel ikan titik 1 = 11,01 mg/kg, titik 2 = 10,83 mg/kg, titik 3 =15,90 mg/kg. Sampel kerang titik 1 = 15,90 mg/kg, titik 2 = 9,55 mg/kg, titik 3 = 16,51 mg/kg. Sampel sedimen titik 1 = 18,31 mg/kg, titik 2 = 11,31 mg/kg, titik 3 = 7,29 mg/kg. Untuk standar yang ditetapkan yaitu 0,03 mg/l dan 0,03 mg/kg untuk ikan dan kerang. Dari keseluruhan sampel yang diperiksa menunjukan bahwa sampel air, ikan dan sedimen melebihi standar baku mutu yang ditetapkan.

Kata Kunci: Timbal, Air, Ikan, Kerang, Sedimen

River water is one of water resource that usually used by people, especially who lived in watershed. Lead is one of heavy metal element that can induce poisoned on living creature. The lead effect for human health is can disturb the reproduction system in the form of infertility and nerve work system, heart and kidney. The lead heavy metal in water and accumulate on sediment will get into the organism life. The heavy metal in a certain concentration will accumulate in the water, biota and sediment that can inflict toxic effect. The biggest one of river in Sulawesi Utara is Tondano river, where the location of upstream part in Minahasa district and the location of downstream part in Manado City. In around of Tondano watershed there was automotive repair shop that produced oil waste and former storage battery and there was motorboat that used gasoline. This research is to know lead content in water, fish, shell and sediment in Tondano watershed. The method used in this research was descriptive based laboratory with lead level checkup in water, fish, shell and sediment sample were used AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer) method. The water samples took in three points in the morning and afternoon, the sediment samples took in three points, fish and shell each one point. The result of this research showed that the water samples in the morning and afternoon were in first point= 0,14 mg/l, second point= 0,10 mg/l, third point=0,14 mg/l and in the afternoon in first point= 0,12 mg/l, second point= 0,09 mg/l, third point= 0,11 mg/l. The fish samples in first point= 11,01 mg/kg, second point=10,83 mg/kg, third point= 15,90 mg/kg. The shell samples in first point= 15,90 mg/kg, second point= 9,55 mg/kg, third point= 16,51 mg/kg. The sediment samples in first point= 18,31 mg/kg, second point= 11,31 mg/kg, third point= 7,29 mg/kg. For the specified standard was 0,03 mg/l for fish and shell. Whole samples checked, it showed that water, fish, shell and sediment samples were exceed the the specified quality standard.

Keyword: Lead, Water, Fish, Shell, Sediment

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