Jenny N. Konoralma, Marjes N. Tumurang, Woodford B.S. Joseph


Human Immunolodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang dapat melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh AIDS. Sedangkan Acquared Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) merupakan sekumpulan gejala akibat menurunya sistem kekebalan tubuh yag disebabkan oleh HIV. Data HIV/AIDS di Kota Manado tahun 1997 sampai Maret 2017 sebanyak 856 kasus.Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap tentang HIV/AIDS dengan tindakan pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado. Jenis penelitian ini ialah cross sectional study, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai bulan Oktober 2017 bertempat di SMA Negeri 4 Manado dengan populasi siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling sebanyak 203 responden. Variabel bebas ialah pengetahuan, sikap siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado, dan varibel terikat ialah tindakan pencegahan siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado. Pengolahan data menggunakan Chi-Square Test dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi disertai penjelasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa umur responden ialah 15 tahun (50,1%), jenis kelamin (62,6%), pengetahuan kurang (69%), sikap negatif (57,4%), dan tindakan pencegahan kurang (73,4%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan nilai ρ=0,865>α=0,05, OR=0,914, sikap nilai ρ=0,338>α=0,05, OR=1,377. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan tindakan pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado. Disarankan kepada pihak sekolah untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih luas tentang HID/AIDS kepada siswa SMA Negeri 4 Manado melalui pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan leaflet, brosur, poster dan media pendidikan lainnya.

Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tindakan HIV/AIDS.

Human Immunolodeficiency Virus (HIV) as virus is can be able deterioration body immun system or body protection is can be leading to occured Aquired Immunodeficiendy Syndroms. Whereas Acquared Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) as a collection syndroms resulted decreased body immune system is caused by HIV. Data HIV/AIDS in Manado city since 1997 years to 2017 March as much as 856 cases. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes about HIV / AIDS with HIV / AIDS prevention measures in State High School 4 Manado students. The type of this research is cross sectional study, conducted from April until October 2017 at State Senior High School 4 Manado with student population of State Senior High School 4 Manado. Sampling technique by purposive sampling counted 203 respondents. Independent variables in research is knowledge, attitude of high school students of 4 Manado, and the dependent variable is the prevention of high school students of Negeri 4 Manado. Data processing using Chi-Square Test and presented in the form of frequency distribution table with explanation. The results of this study indicate that the age of respondents is 15 years (50.1%), gender (62.6%), knowledge less (69%), negative attitude (57.4%), and less precaution (73.4 %). The result of statistical test shows that knowledge value ρ = 0,865> α = 0,05, OR = 0,914, attitude value ρ = 0,338> α = 0,05, OR = 1,377. The conclusion in this research is that there is no correlation between the relationship between knowledge and attitude with HIV / AIDS prevention measures in State 4 high school students of Manado. It is suggested to the school to provide more information about HIV / AIDS to high school students of 4 Manado State through health education using leaflets, brochures, posters and other educational media.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, HIV /AIDS

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