Rutler P. Masalamate, March Weber Sumbung


Kementerian Kesehatan bekerjasama dengan WHO dan the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) membangun suatu sistem dalam upaya kewaspadaan dini dan respon terhadap penyakit – penyakit potensial KLB. Sistem ini dikenal dengan nama Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) atau Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon (SKDR). Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini dan Respon merupakan suatu system yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui pergerakan suatu penyakit menular tertentu dari waktu ke waktu dengan memberikan sinyal atau “alert” bila jumlah kasusnya melebihi nilai ambang yang telah ditentukan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskripsi dengan menilai kelengkapan data dan ketepatan waktu pelaporan melalui aplikasi e-wars.  Hasil penelitian menemukan Adanya penurunan tingkat kelengkapan dan ketepatan laporan pada tahun 2015, dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014. Kurangnya kapasitas tenaga kesehatan di bidang Surveilans dan Imunisasi yang ada di kabupaten/kota dan puskesmas-puskesmas sehingga program EWARS belum berjalan semaksimal mungkin. Masih ada puskesmas-puskesmas di daerah tertantu seperti di Talaud, Sangihe, Sitaro yang belum terjangkau jaringan internet atau sinyal. Aplikasi EWARS yang bermasalah atau rusak. Alur pelaporan penyakit yang prosesnya masih tergolong memakan waktu lama.


Kata kunci : E-Wars, Capaian, Kelengkapan Data



The Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) builds a system for early awareness and response to potential outbreaks of outbreaks. This system is known as the Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) or the Early Warning and Response System (SKDR). The Early Alert and Response System is a system that have a function to determine the movement of a particular infectious disease from time to time by giving a signal or "alert" if the number of cases exceeds a predetermined threshold value. This type of research is description research by assessing the completeness of the data and the timeliness of reporting through the e-wars application. The result of this study is, there is a decrease in the level of completeness and accuracy of reports in 2015, compared to 2014. Lack of capacity of health workers in the field of surveillance and immunization in regencies / cities and public health centers so that the EWARS program has not run as much as possible. There are still health centers in certain areas such as Talaud, Sangihe, Sitaro which have not been reached by internet or signal networks. EWARS applications that are problematic or damaged. The flow of reporting on diseases whose processes are still relatively long-term.


Keywords: e-wars, Performance, Data Completeness

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