Winly Vaskiano Gusti Dolongpaha, Paul A.T. Kawatu, Ribka E. Wowor


Undang-undang nomor 44 tahun 2009 tentang rumah sakit menyatakan bahwa dalam rangka peningktan mutu pelayanan, rumah sakit wajib dilakukan akreditasi secara berkala minimal 3 (tiga) tahun sekali dimana unsur keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja termasuk sebagai salah satu yang dinilai didalam akreditasi rumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 7 orang informan yang terdiri dari Direktur Rumah Sakit, Ketua K3RS, Seorang Perawat, Kepala Laboraorium, Kepala Ruangan, Seorang Dokter, dan Cleaning Service di RSUD Talaud. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan program K3RS di RSUD Talaud secara umum belum terlaksana secara optimal dikarenakan masih terdapat cukup banyak sub program yang belum berjalan sesuai dengan peraturan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa untuk program kesehatan kerja hanya dua sub program yang berjalan dari sembilan sub program yakni pemberian pengobatan dan perawatan serta rehabilitasi dan pelaksanaan evaluasi. Sedangkanuntuk program keselamatan kerja hanya tiga sub program yang berjalan dari lima belas sub program\pertanyaan yaitu, pembinaan dan  pengawasan sanitasi, pembinaan dan pengawasan perlengkapan keselamatan kerja, pembinaan/pengawasan perlengkapan keselamatan kerja


Kata Kunci: Program Kesehatan Kerja, Program Keselamatan Kerja, K3RS



Law number 44 of 2009 concerning hospitals states that in the context of improving service quality, hospitals must be accredited periodically at least once every 3 (three) years where the element of occupational safety and health is included as one of the assessed in hospital accreditation.This research is a type of qualitative research conducted with in-depth interviews with 7 informants consisting of the Director of the Hospital, the Head of hospital occupational safety and health a Nurse, Head of Laboratories, Head of Room, A Doctor, and Cleaning Service at Talaud Regional Hospital. The results showed that the implementation of occupational health and safety programs at the Talaud Regional General Hospital in general had not been carried out optimally because there were still many programs that had not been running well. The conclusion of this study shows that for the occupational health program only two sub-programs that run out of the nine sub-programs, namely the provision of treatment and maintenance as well as the evaluation and implementation. Whereas for the work safety program, only three sub-programs run out of the fifteen sub-programs \ questions, namely the development and supervision of work safety equipment, guidance and supervision of water sanitation, guidance and supervision of work safety equipment.


Keywords: Occupational Health Program, Occupational Safety Program, Hospital occupational safety and health

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