Dirga Simon Alvarez Lasut, Paul A. T. Kawatu, Rahayu H. Akili


K3RS adalah segala kegiatan untuk menjamin dan melindungi keselamatan dan kesehatan bagi sumber daya manusia rumah sakit, pasien, pendamping pasien, pengunjung, maupun lingkungan rumah sakit melalui upaya pencegahan kecelakan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja di rumah sakit. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan dan hambatan pelaksanaan standar pelayanan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja rumah sakit di RSUD Noongan. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada 5 orang informan yang terdiri dari Kepala Bagian, Ketua Tim K3RS, Dokter, Perawat, dan Pegawai di RSUD Noongan. Dari hasil wawancara standar pelayanan seperti pemeriksaan kesehatan sebelum bekerja dan khusus belum dilaksanakan, dan program-program lain belum terlaksanakan secara optimal yaitu pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala, dan pelaksanaan pelatihan/pendidikan tentang kesehatan kerja. Dan untuk standar pelayanan keselamatan kerja standar pelayanan keselmatan kerja seperti pembinaan dan pengawasan saran, prasarana, dan peralatan kesehatan, pelatihan/penyuluhan keselamatan kerja, dan pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap manajemen sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran belum terlaksanakan secara optimal. Hambatan pelaksanaan  Standar Pelayanan K3RS di RSUD Noongan adalah Regulasi yang terlambat dibuat, Konsistensi petugas yang menangani pemeriksaan kesehatan, Ketersediaan bahan  untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium, Tidak tersedianya tenaga ATEM untuk melakukan pemeliharaan peralatan medis, Program K3RS yang terlambat disusun sehingga anggaran masih kurang dan kurangnya kesadaran dari pegawai.


Kata Kunci: Standar Pelayanan K3RS



Hospital Occupational Health and Safety is all activities to guarantee and protect the health and safety of hospital human resources, patients, patient companions, visitors, and the hospital environment through efforts to prevent work injuries and occupational diseases in the hospital. The results of the National Safety Council (NSC) report in 1988 showed that accidents in hospitals were 41% more than jobs in other industries. Cases that often occur are needle sticking, sprains, back pain, scratches/cuts, burns, and infectious diseases and others. The purpose of this research is to analyze The Implementation and Barriers to the Implementation of Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Service Standards at the Noongan Regional Public Hospital. This research is a qualitative research by interviewing 5 informants consisting of the Head of Division, Head of Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Team, Doctors, Nurses, and Employees at Noongan Regional Public Hospital. From the interview results service standards such as health examinations before work and specifically have not been implemented, and other programs have not been implemented optimally namely periodic health checks, and the implementation of training/education about occupational health. And for occupational safety service standards for occupational safety service standards such as guidance and supervision of advice, infrastructure, and health equipment, training/counseling for occupational safety, and guidance and supervision for the management of fire prevention and management systems has been carried out optimally. Barriers to the implementation of Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Service Standards at the Noongan Regional Public Hospital are regulations that are made late, consistency of officers handling health checks, availability of materials for laboratory examinations, unavailability of Electromedic Engineering Academy staff to perform maintenance of medical equipment, Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Programs that are too late to be prepared so that the budget is still lacking,  and lack of budget employee awareness.


Keywords: Hospital Occupational Health and Safety Service Standards

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