Brenda D. Turangan, Marsella D. Amisi, Nova H. Kapantow


Status gizi merupakan keseimbangan antara kebutuhan gizi seseorang dan asupan gizi yang diserap oleh tubuh, jika salah satu kebutuhan gizi tidak terpenuhi maka akan mempengaruhi status gizi seseorang.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran status gizi ibu berdasarkan IMT dan status gizi anak berdasarkan BB/U, TB/U, BB/TB dan IMT/U serta mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi ibu dengan status anak usia 24-59 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Motoling Timur kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Desain penelitian yaitu Cross-Sectional dilakukan pada bulan November 2019 sampai April 2020. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 80 anak dan ibu dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin. Status gizi ibu (IMT) terdapat 3,7% kurus, 5% gemuk, 5% obesitas dan 86,3% normal. Status gizi anak terdapat 1,3% gizi kurang dan 98,7% gizi baik berdasarkan BB/U. 2,5% sangat pendek, 13,7% pendek dan 83,8% normal berdasarkan TB/U. 2,5% kurus, 3,8% gemuk dan 93,7% normal berdasarkan BB/TB. 3,8% kurus, 3,8% gemuk dan 92,4% normal berdasarkan IMT/U. Berdasarkan hasil uji Spearman didapatkan p = 0,000 dan nilai r = 0,613. Kesimpulannya terdapat hubungan antara status gizi ibu (IMT) dengan status gizi anak usia 24-59 bulan (IMT/U) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Motoling Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan dengan nilai r=0,613. Disarankan ibu dapat menjaga asupan makan dan tetap mengawasi pemberian makan kepada anak dan rajin ke Pos Pelayanan Terpadu agar dapat memantau tumbuh kembang anak dengan bantuan kader kesehatan.


Kata Kunci: Status Gizi, Anak, Ibu



Nutritional status is a balance between a person's nutritional needs and nutritional intake absorbed by the body, if one nutritional requirement is not met it will affect one's nutritional status. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the nutritional status of mothers based on BMI and nutritional status of children based on BB/U, TB/U, BB/TB and BMI/U as well as knowing the relationship between the nutritional status of mothers with the status of children aged 24-59 months in the Eastern Motoling Health Center working area of South Minahasa district. The research design is Cross-Sectional conducted in November 2019 until April 2020. The samples in this study were 80 children and mothers calculated using the Slovin formula. Maternal nutritional status (BMI) is 3.7% thin, 5% fat, 5% obese and 86.3% normal. The nutritional status of children is 1.3% undernourished and 98.7% good nutrition based on BB/U. 2.5% is very short, 13.7% is short and 83.8% is normal based on TB/U. 2.5% thin, 3.8% fat and 93.7% normal based on BB/TB. 3.8% thin, 3.8% are obese and 92.4% are normal based on BMI/U. Based on the Spearman test results obtained p = 0,000 and the value of r = 0.613. In conclusion there is a relationship between maternal nutritional status (BMI) and nutritional status of children aged 24-59 months (BMI / U) in the Motoling Timur Health Center working area of South Minahasa Regency with a value of r = 0.613. It is recommended that mothers can maintain their food intake and continue to oversee the feeding of children and diligently to the Integrated Service Post in order to monitor the child's growth and development with the help of health cadres.


Keywords: Nutrition Status, Children, Mother

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