Ezra Tumiwa, Woodford B. S. Joseph, Rahayu H. Akili


Air sangat vital bagi kehidupan manusia dimuka bumi ini. PDAM Unit Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara merupakan perusahaan daerah yang bertanggung jawab memberikan pelayanan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih di masyarakat. Air merupakan sumber daya alam yang sangat penting dan dibutuhkan setiap mahluk hidup. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik dan bakteriologis air bersih di PDAM unit Tombatu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei deskriptf berbasis laboratorium, berlokasi di desa-desa yang menjadi sumber dan  dialiri air oleh PDAM Unit Tombatu, pada bulan Maret-Juli 2020. Populasi penelitian yaitu air PDAM Unit Tombatu. Sampel air diambil dari sumber air dan 3 desa dialiri air oleh PDAM Unit Tombatu. Sampel air dari masing-masing desa diambil pada titik terdekat, tengah, terjauh. Jumlah keseluruhan yaitu 10 sampel air. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu kualitas fisik berdasarkan parameter bau dan kekeruhan, serta kualitas bakteriologis berdasarkan parameter total coliform dan Escherichia coli. Standar baku mutu variabel penelitian mengacu pada Permenkes  No. 32 Tahun 2017 untuk ditentukan apakah memenuhi syarat kesehatan atau tidak. Uji kualittas fisik dan bakteriologis dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular (BTKL & P2M .Kelas I Manado. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan distribusi frekuensi dan persentase.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa seluruh (100%) sampel air tidak berbau. Seluruh (100%) sampel air memiliki tingkat kekeruhan dibawah 25 NTU. Dua sampel (20%) memiliki angka kuman (total coliform) <50 CFU / 100 ml dan 8 sampel (80%) >50 CFU / 100 ml. Dua sampel (20%) tidak mengandung Eschericia coli dan 8 sampel (80%) mengandung Eschericia coli >0 CFU / 100 ml. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu kualitas fisik air PDAM Unit Tombatu memenuhi syarat kesehatan ditinjau  dari aspek parameter bau dan kekeruhan. Terdapat kontaminasi bakteri coliform dan Eschericia coli di beberapa tempat pada sistem air perpipaan PDAM Unit Tombatu sehingga air menjadi tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan.


Kata Kunci : kualitas fisik, kualitas bakteriologis, air, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum



Water is vital for human life on this earth. PDAM Tombatu Unit of Southeast Minahasa Regency is a regional company that is responsible for providing services to meet the needs of clean water in the community. Water is a very important natural resource that is needed by every living thing. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical and bacteriological quality of clean water in the PDAM unit in Tombatu. This research is a laboratory-based descriptive survey research, located in villages that are the source and flow of water by the Tombatu Unit PDAM, in March-July 2020. The research population is the PDAM Tombatu Unit water. Water samples were taken from water sources and 3 villages were drained by PDAM Tombatu Unit. Water samples from each village were taken at the closest, middle, farthest point. The total amount is 10 water samples. The variables studied were physical quality based on odor and turbidity parameters, and bacteriological quality based on total coliform and Escherichia coli parameters. The standard quality standard of the research variable refers to Permenkes No. 32 of 2017 to determine whether it meets health requirements or not. Physical and bacteriological quality tests were conducted at the Laboratory of the Center for Environmental Health and Eradication of Communicable Diseases (BTKL & P2M. Class I Manado. Data were analyzed descriptively based on frequency and percentage distribution. The results showed that all (100%) samples of water did not smell All (100%) water samples had turbidity levels below 25 NTU Two samples (20%) had a bacterial rate (total coliform) <50 CFU / 100 ml and 8 samples (80%)> 50 CFU / 100 ml. (20%) did not contain Escherichia coli and 8 samples (80%) contained Escherichia coli> 0 CFU / 100 ml.The conclusion of this study was that the physical quality of the PDAM Tombatu Unit meets health requirements in terms of odor and turbidity parameters. and Eschericia coli in several places in the Tombatu Unit PDAM water system so that the water does not meet health requirements.

 Keywords : physical quality, bacteriological quality, water, Regional Drinking Water Company

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