Blessynsky Pusung, Woodford B. S. Joseph, Rahayu A. Akili


Coronavirus merupakan kumpulan virus yang bisa menginfeksi sistem pernapasan. Pada banyak kasus,
virus ini hanya menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan ringan, seperti flu. Namun, virus ini juga bisa
menyebabkan infeksi pernapasan berat, seperti infeksi paru-paru (pneumonia). Latar belakang penelitian
ini yaitu dalam melakukan pekerjaan di ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat, peneliti menemukan bahwa
perawat sering merasa stres seiring dengan beban kerja yang dirasa berat oleh para perawat karena
mereka sering menjumpai pasien dengan berbagai jenis penyakit yang berbeda dan juga pasien dalam
kondisi kritis yang tidak sedikit, terutama sekarang dalam menghadapi pandemi virus Covid-19 yang
membuat tingkat stress perawat semakin tinggi. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif. Bertujuan untuk
mendapatkan informasi melalui wawancara secara lebih mendalam kepada informan tentang Stress Kerja
pada Perawat Instaalsi Gawat Darurat RS. GMIM Bethesda Tomohon dalam masa Pandemi Covid-19.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa awalnya tingkat stress pada perawat sangatlah tinggi, bahkan banyak
perawat tidak mau untuk datang ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu tingkat stress
semakin berkurang, walaupun begitu tetap selalu memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Perawat juga harus
melakukan screening sebelum masuk ke rumah sakit untuk mendeteksi apakah dia sehat atau tidak.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu tingkat stress kerja perawat pada akhir 2020 sampai Januari 2021
mulai menurut dibandingkan pada bulan-bulan sebelumnya kerena pasien pengidap covid-19 khususnya
di RS Bethesda Tomohon semakin berkurang dan penerapan protokol kesehatan yang sangat baik di
Instalasi Gawat Darurat RS GMIM Bethesda Tomohon sehingga grafik angka pasien covid-19 telah
menurut drastis.
Kata kunci: Stress Kerja, Perawat, Covid-19

Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In most cases, this virus causes
only mild respiratory infections, such as the flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory
infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia). The background of this study is that in doing work in the
Emergency Room, the researchers found that nurses often felt stressed along with the workload that was
felt heavy by the nurses because they often encountered patients with different types of diseases and also
patients in critical conditions who did not a little, especially now in the face of the Covid-19 virus pandemic
which makes nurses' stress levels even higher. This type of research is qualitative. Aims to obtain
information through more in-depth interviews with informants about work stress in hospital emergency
nurses. GMIM Bethesda Tomohon during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The results showed that initially the
stress level for nurses was very high, even many nurses did not want to come to the Emergency Room. But
as time goes by the stress level decreases, even so, always pay attention to health protocols. Nurses also
have to do a screening before entering the hospital to detect whether he is healthy or not. The conclusion
of this study is that the level of work stress of nurses at the end of 2020 to January 2021 began to match
compared to the previous months because patients with COVID-19, especially at Bethesda Tomohon
Hospital, were decreasing and the implementation of very good health protocols in the Emergency
Installation of GMIM Bethesda Hospital so that the graph of the number of Covid-19 patients has decreased
Keywords: Work Stress, Nurse, Covid-19

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