Distribution of Pocillopora verrucosa (Ellis dan Solander, 1786) at the Reef Flat of South Coast Putus-Putus Island East Ratatotok, Ratatotok District Southeast Minahasa Regency
This research was conducted at the reef flat of south Putus-Putus Island, East Ratatotok, Ratatotok district, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The study aims to identify the distribution of P. verrucosa reefs in the reef flat area of Putus-Putus Island. This research is able to be utilized as an informations resource, and also able to contribute an effort in order to manage the coral reefs in the Ratatotok area in the near future. The sample is obtained with using simple random method, which collects the data randomly as the sample collecting system by drawing way or by using random number table. The random number table contains with some amount of numbers which is formed with coloumn and rows, and the drawing is done freely. There was three point of study site determined, and geographical location of every site was noted, the north and east latitude. In every point of the site was put quadrant with 10 x 10 m, where every quadrant is divided into 100 quadrants with 1 x 1 m sized. The every 1 x 1m quadrant was made grid with 10 x 10m (100 grids for every quadrant). The percentage of the reef’s cover at the first station is (0,28%), the second station (1,4%). and the third station (1,41%). Based on the study’s result, the highest reef’s cover percentage is in the third station (1,41%) which is located further from the strait, whereas the lowest reef’s cover percentage is in the first station (0,28%) located near the strait. The distribution scheme of P.verrucosa from the three stations are grouping (Id> 1). There is no noticeable diffrences from the three location for the cover percentage, the diameter and the distribution scheme. The ANOVA test showed that the amount of the colony : Hhit (1.25) < Ftah (3.10) the H0 was accepted, where there was no noticeable differences from the amount of the colony in the three stations. The diameter : Fhit (1.40) < Ftab (3.10) means H0 accepted, and there was no noticeable differences in the diameters. The percentage of the cover : where Fhit (0.71) < Ftab (3.10 ) means H0 accepted, and there was no noticeable differences in the diameters of the three stations.
Keyword : Distribution, Coral P. verrucosa
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di pantai selatan Pulau Putus-Putus Desa Ratatotok Timur Kecamatan Ratatotok Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui distribusi karang P.verrucosa di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui distribusi karang P.verrucosa di rataan terumbu Pulau Putus-Putus. Manfaat penelitian yaitu dapat menjadi sumber informasi dan mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi upaya pengelolaan terumbu karang di wilayah Ratatotok di masa yang akan datang. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan acak sederhana. Pengambilan acak sederhana merupakan sistem pengambilan sampel secara acak dengan menggunakan undian atau tabel angka random Tabel angka random merupakan tabel yang dibuat dan berisi angka-angka yang terdiri dari kolom dan baris, dan cara pemilihannya dilakukan secara bebas. Pada lokasi penelitian ditentukan 3 titik pengambilan data, yang setiap titik dicatat posisi geografisnya, (lintang utara dan bujur timur). Pada setiap titik akan diletakan kuadran berukuran 10 x 10m, di mana pada masing masing kuadran tersebut dibagi menjadi 100 kuadran berukuran 1 x 1m. Pada setiap kuadran 1 x 1m dibuat grid berukuran 10 x 10 cm ( terdapat 100 grid setiap kuadran ). Persentase tutupan karang P. verrucosa Pada stasiun pertama (0,28 %), Stasiun kedua (1,4%), dan Stasiun ketiga (1,41%). Berdasarkan dari hasil yang di dapat bahwa persentasi tutupan karang tertinggi pada stasiun ke tiga yang jauh dari selat (1,41 %) sedangkan tutupan terendah yaitu stasiun pertama dekat dengan selat (0,28 %). Pola distribusi karang P. verrucosa pada ketiga stasiun adalah mengelompok (Id> 1). Pada ketiga stasiun ini tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata dalam hal Persentase tutupan, diameter dan pola distribusi. Dari uji ANOVA Jumlah koloni: dimana Fhit (1.25) < Ftab (3.10) artinya Ho diterima, bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata jumlah koloni pada ketiga stasiun tersebut. Jumlah Diameter: dimana Fhit (1) < Ftab (3.10) artinya Ho diterima, bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata dalam hal jumlah diameter. Jumlah Persentase tutupan: dimana Fhit (1.17) < Ftab (3.10 ) artinya Ho diterima,bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata jumlah diameter pada ketiga stasiun tersebut.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35800/jip.5.1.2017.15152
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Copyright (c) 2017 Jesika Haryati Nasaru, Laurentius T. X. Lalamentik, Unstain N. W. J. Rembet
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