Molecular Phylogenetic of Cerithidea anticipata (Iredale, 1929) (Mollusk: Gastropod)
Species identification is very important and an important part of bioecological studies, so phylogenetic studies of Cerithidea anticipata (Iredale, 1929) was conducted in September 2020 to identify C. anticipata (Iredale, 1929) based on DNA barcoding techniques. Samples of C. anticipata (Iredale, 1929) were collected from the mangrove ecosystem of Payum Merauke Beach Papua (Indonesia), where the genes used were primary COI Gene forward LCO1490 and reverse HCO2198. The result of DNA amplification obtained DNA sequence length of 660 bp, then based on the identification of Basic Local Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) obtained a similarity level of 98.42% and phylogenetic reconstruction showed the existence of grouping based on the degree of similarity and genetic distance between populations.
Keywords: Cerithidea anticipata; COI genes; DNA barcoding; phylogenetics
Identifikasi spesies sangat penting dilakukan dan menjadi bagian penting dalam studi bioekologi, sehingga kajian filogenetik Cerithidea anticipata (Iredale, 1929) telah dilakukan pada bulan September 2020 dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi C. anticipata (Iredale, 1929) berdasarkan teknik DNA barcoding. Sampel C. anticipata (Iredale, 1929) dikoleksi dari ekosistem mangrove Pantai Payum Merauke Papua (Indonesia), dimana gen yang digunakan adalah Gen COI primer forward LCO1490 dan reverse HCO2198. Hasil dari amplifikasi DNA diperoleh panjang sekuen DNA 660 bp, kemudian berdasarkan identifikasi Basic Local Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) diperoleh tingkat kemiripannya 98.42% dan rekonstruksi filogenetiknya memperlihatkan adanya pengelompokan berdasarkan tingkat kemiripan maupun jarak genetik antar populasi.
Kata kunci: Cerithidea anticipata; Gen COI; DNA barcoding; filogenetikKeywords
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