Berada di posisi paling utara Indonesia dan berdekatan dengan negara tetangga Filipina, Kabupaten Sangihe menyimpan potensi wisata dengan sejuta pesona. Namun beberapa potensi daya tarik wisata yang menjanjikan masih belum mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah daerah, khususnya Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Sangihe. Buktinya, pesona yang dimiliki Kepulauan Sangihe belum bisa menarik turis asing dan dosmetic untuk mau berkunjung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hal itu disebabkan karena peran pemerintah daerah khususnya Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata belum mampu mengoptimalkan karena terhambat dari segi pendanaan. Selain itu, minimnya sumber daya manusia yang dapat mengkapitalisasi potensi kebudayaan dan pariwisata di kabupaten Kepulauna Sangihe, yang diperparah dengan rendahnya kesadaran dari masyarakat setempat tentang pentingnya pengembangan pariwisata. Memang sudah ada beberapa upaya yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata untuk mengembangkan objek wisata, seperti penyediaan Rencana Induk Pengembangan Pariwisata, dan melakukan kerjasama antar instansi pemerintah terkait, bekerjasama dengan pihak swasta dalam pengelolaan objek wisata, serta pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Karena seharusnya pengembangan objek wisata didasarkan pada tiga indikator yaitu koordinator, fasilitator, stimulator. Namun hal itu nampaknya belum maksimal.
Kata Kunci: Peran; Pengembangan; Pariwisata
Located in the northernmost position of Indonesia and close to neighboring Philippines, Sangihe Regency holds tourism potential with a million charms. However, several promising tourism potentials have not yet received the attention of the local government, particularly the Sangihe District Culture and Tourism Office. The proof is that the charm of the Sangihe Islands has not been able to attract foreign tourists and dosmetic to visit. Based on the results of this research, it is because the role of the local government, especially the Department of Culture and Tourism, has not been able to optimize it because it is hampered by funding. In addition, the lack of human resources that can capitalize on the potential of culture and tourism in Kepulauna Sangihe district, which is exacerbated by the low awareness of the local community about the importance of tourism development. Indeed, there have been several efforts made by the Culture and Tourism Office to develop tourist objects, such as providing a Tourism Development Master Plan, and collaborating between related government agencies, collaborating with the private sector in managing tourist objects, and developing human resources. Because the development of tourist objects should be based on three indicators, namely the coordinator, facilitator, stimulator. However, it seems that it is not optimal.
Keywords: Role; Development; Tourism
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