Strategi Pemasaran Kopi Amungme Gold di Kabupaten Mimika Propinsi Papua

Yunus Janampa, Olivia C. F. Walangitan, Danny S. Mukuan


This study aims to analyze marketing strategies, namely the production strategy, price strategy, location strategy, distribution, and promotion strategies of the Amungme Gold coffee cooperative. This study uses a qualitative method approach with a descriptive approach. The database of this study amounted to 22 people consisting of religious leaders, tribal leaders, traditional leaders, employees and company leaders, besides conducting field observations directly on the objects under study and also interviewing business managers as well as documenting information related to coffee business management activities from the community. The results of the research show that the following management of Amungme Gold coffee can develop well because it is still not maximized in terms of marketing and is not covered by adequate technology because management is only manual which impacts on product quality which is not the maximum implementation of sales promotions that are simple in the environment. which is limited to PT. FREEPORT and around the Mozes Kilangin airport and around the city of Timika so that the marketing strategy is also enhanced from the form of promotion and improving the quality of production of Amungme gold coffee.

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