Reward and Punishment Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan pada PT. Bank SulutGo Cabang Utama Manado

Gabriella Monica Mandagi, William A. Areros, Sofia A. P. Sambul


The research aims to determine: the influence of Reward and Punishment towards employee loyalty at PT. Bank SulutGo Main branch of Manado This research includes quantitative descriptive research, with a multiple-linear regression analysis approach that uses a Quasioner research instrument. The samples in this study were employees of PT. Bank SulutGo Manado Main branch which amounted to 80 respondents which were analyzed by SPSS program version 25. The results of this study found that the reward has a significant effect on employee loyalty, evidenced by the significance value of Thitung is greater than this and with a considerable coefficient value, so the reward affects the loyalty of employees. Punishment also significant effect on employee loyalty, evidenced by the significance value of Thitung is greater than the this and with the value of Koefiesen also large enough, so Punishment also affect the loyalty of employees. In multiple linear analysis known Bhwa reward has a greater influence on employee loyalty compared to punishment variable.

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