Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen PT. Garuda Indonesia Airlines Kelas Ekonomi Rute Manado-Jakarta

Leinda Mumek, Johny R. E. Tampi, Lucky F. Tamengkel


This research aims to explain and know the influence of quality of service in the customer satisfaction of Garuda Indonesia Airlines Aviation Economy Class Manado – Jakarta route. The independent variables used in this study are physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy while the dependent variables used in this study are consumer satisfaction. This research was conducted in Garuda Indonesia Office Manado Branch. Ampel is a flight service user of Garuda Indonesia Airlines Economy class Manado route – Jakarta. Sampling techniques using Purposive Sampling. The samples used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. Based on the F test results in this study showed that service quality consisting of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy jointly has a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Based on T-test results It is important that the variables of physical proof, reliability, responsiveness, warranty, and empathy do not have a partial influence on consumer satisfaction. Based on the standardized beta test it is known that the empathy (X5) variable has the strongest influence compared to other variables.

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