Harga dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pala Kering Pedagang Pengumpul Kecamatan Siau Barat Utara

Heriv Saldi Selumang, William A. Areros, Ventje Tatimu


This research was conducted in North West Siau sub-district which has the objective to find out whether the effect of price and promotion on purchasing decisions on collectors in North West Siau sub-district individually. The population of collecting traders in North West Siau sub-district is uncertain. Therefore, the researchers took samples as many as 32 respondents using purposive sampling techniques, namely consideration of populations with a business life of 1 year or more, and research methods used in the instrument data test (validity and reliability test), data analysis (multiple linear regression analysis), t test, f test and the coefficient of determination test R2). Based on the t test obtained states that the price has an influence on purchasing decisions for collectors while promotion is a determinant of the sales process from farmers to collectors and also influences buying decisions on collectors in West Siau sub-district.

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