Citra Merek terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Daihatsu All New Terios

Rivaldo Ering, Dolina L. Tampi, Joula J. Rogahang


This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on purchasing decisions for Daihatsu All New Terrios cars at Pt Astra International Daihatsu Malalayang. This research methodology uses a quantitative research approach. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling with a population of 35 respondents. The R result between the two variables is 0.669 which means that the relationship between brand image and the purchase decision for the Daihatsu All New Terrios is strong. Then the R square value (coefficient of determination) is 0.447. This shows that the decision to buy a Daihatsu All New Terrios car is 44.7% influenced by the brand image, while the remaining 55.3% is determined by other factors that are not included in this study. Then this influence can be interpreted that the brand image is one of the factors that is sufficient to influence the decision to buy a Daihatsu All New Terrios car. There are things that must be improved in terms of the uniqueness of the brand in order to be able to compete with other products and to continue to innovate by taking advantage of existing opportunities so that the brand image can be a reference in expanding marketing.

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