Inovasi Smartphone Iphone terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mahasiswa Fispol Unsrat

Nashara Veren Imon, Johnny A. F. Kalangi, Lucky F. Tamengkel


This study aims to determine whether innovation has an effect on smartphone purchasing decisions for students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. This research is a type of quantitative research with the population selecting students who fill the KRS or even semester active students and the researchers take 2827 students. So that the sample size uses the Slovin formula, and after being calculated using this formula, the sample in this study amounted to 97 respondents. The data analysis technique used simple linear regression analysis. In the case of a simple regression test, the results show that there is an influence between innovation on purchasing decisions. The results showed the relationship between the influence of the Innovation variable on the Purchasing Decision by 48.1%, indicating that the results of this study partially have a positive effect on the iPhone Smartphone Purchase Decision on the students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University.

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