Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pos Indonesia Cabang Tanawangko

Gladys Livia Worung, Frendy A. O. Pelleng, Dantje Keles


This study aims to determine the quality of Pos Indonesia services at the Tanawangko branch. This research is a quantitative qualitative research. The method used in this research is a survey and distributing questionnaires to samples taken from the population, then the data is collected. Data analysis used in this study is the TERRA dimension which is useful for analyzing service quality based on physical evidence (tangible), empathy (empathy), reliability (responsiveness), responsiveness (responsiveness) and assurance (assurance). In this study, the population is the customers of PT. Pos Indonesia branch of Tanawangko where to find out the population, the researcher used the Roscoe formula in Sugiyono (2009: 129) and the sample size used in this study was 60 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the dimensions of Responsiveness, Empathy and Assurance of service quality provided by the Tanwangko branch of the Indonesian Post Office are very good because they are in accordance with consumer expectations. Whereas in Tangible and Reliability, the quality of service provided is good but still has several shortcomings.

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