This study aims to see the effect of service and communication influences on Ruangguru's corporate image. Service Quality Variables are tested using 3 indicators, Marketing Communication Variables using 3 indicators and Ruangguru corporate image variables using 3 variables. This research methodology uses a purposive sampling approach in quantitative research. The sampling technique used was a population of 30 respondents. In determining the sample size in this study it is based on the calculations put forward by Roscoe in Sugiyono's book (2016: 91). The data technique was carried out by observing the field and questionnaires, using multiple linear regression. The results of the calculation of SPSS Service Quality (X1) have a significant effect on Company Image (Y). For every change of Service Quality whose indicators (Responsiveness, Guarantee, and Attention) will affect Service Quality, which means that buyer's decision will increase, then H_o is rejected and H_a is accepted, which means that Service Quality has a significant effect on Company Image, partially the dimensions of Marketing Communication (X2) has a significant effect on Company Image (Y), then H_o is rejected and H_a is accepted, which means that Marketing Communication has a significant effect on Company Image, So it can be said that Service Quality and Marketing Communication have a positive effect on Company Image.
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