Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Komunikasi Pemasaran Terhadap Citra Perusahaan Pada PT. Ruang Raya Indonesia (Ruangguru Regional Sulawesi II)

Kluivert H. Walukow, Wilfried S. Manoppo, Olivia Walangitan


This study aims to see the effect of service and communication influences on Ruangguru's corporate image. Service Quality Variables are tested using 3 indicators, Marketing Communication Variables using 3 indicators and Ruangguru corporate image variables using 3 variables. This research methodology uses a purposive sampling approach in quantitative research. The sampling technique used was a population of 30 respondents. In determining the sample size in this study it is based on the calculations put forward by Roscoe in Sugiyono's book (2016: 91). The data technique was carried out by observing the field and questionnaires, using multiple linear regression. The results of the calculation of SPSS Service Quality (X1) have a significant effect on Company Image (Y). For every change of Service Quality whose indicators (Responsiveness, Guarantee, and Attention) will affect Service Quality, which means that buyer's decision will increase, then H_o is rejected and H_a is accepted, which means that Service Quality has a significant effect on Company Image, partially the dimensions of Marketing Communication (X2) has a significant effect on Company Image (Y), then H_o is rejected and H_a is accepted, which means that Marketing Communication has a significant effect on Company Image, So it can be said that Service Quality and Marketing Communication have a positive effect on Company Image.

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