Keputusan Konsumen Menggunakan Fitur Go-Ride Aplikasi Go-Jek di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fispol Unsrat Manado

Yedija H. Yura, Wilfried S. Manoppo, Tinneke M. Tumbel


This study aims to determine the effect of advertising on consumer decisions using the Go-ride feature on the Go-Jek application among students of FISPOL Unsrat Manado. Advertising variables were tested using 4 indicators and the decision variable using Go-Jek used 7 indicators. This research methodology uses a quantitative research approach. The sampling technique used was the random sampling method with a population of 3314 respondents. In determining the sample size of this study is determined by the Solvin technique and the sample results obtained are 97 respondents. The data was collected by conducting literature study and field observations, using correlation analysis and simple linear regression. The R result between the two variables is 0.609, which means that the relationship between advertising and the decision to use Go-Jek is quite strong. Then the R square value (coefficient of determination) is 0.370. This shows that the decision to use Go-Jek on FISPOL Unsrat Manado students is 37.0% influenced by advertising, while the other 63.0% is determined by other factors not examined in this study. So this influence means that Perikalnan is one of the factors that quite influence the decision to use Go-Jek. With this research, it is hoped that the company will understand the characteristics of the decision to use Go-Jek so that in the future the company can better understand the wants and needs of consumers. So that the better the information displayed from the company, the more people will be interested in using online transportation services within the company.

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