Faktor-faktor Penyebab Pemungutan Suara Ulang (PSU) Pada Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Tahun 2019 Di Kota Manado

Budi Tosalenda, Burhan Niode, Stefanus Sampe


This research was conducted with the aim of finding out what factors caused the re-voting at the 2019 simultaneous general election in Manado City. This research uses evaluation theory. Evaluation can be said as a process that is carried out systematically, with the aim of collecting and analyzing and presenting it in the form of information that is useful for consideration in making decisions and making policies. Recommendations for re-voting are given after the evaluation of reports, information and data provided by the District General Election Supervisory Committee. The report concerns the findings of the opening of ballot boxes that are not based on statutory regulations and the issuance of inappropriate ballot papers to voters registered in the Supplementary Voters List by voting organizers. These violations were the factors that could lead to re-voting based on Article 372 paragraph (2) of law number 7 of 2017 concerning elections. This re-voting could have been avoided if the general election organizers at the polling stations understood the regulations on voting and vote counting.


Keywords: Evaluation, Voting, General Election

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35801/jpsp.v1i1.34184


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