Indonesian Journal of Intelligence Data Science <p>The <strong>Indonesian Journal of Intelligence Data Science</strong> is a scientific journal that accepts and disseminates research results to advance science by publishing them twice a year in May and November. <span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">The Jurnal IJIDS already has <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>E-ISSN: 2988-0416.</strong></a></span></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong><span class="type">DOI: </span><span class="id"><a href=""></a></span></strong></span></p> <p>This journal accepts scientific writings that are based on the theme of Data Science, with the scope of research covering the use or development of several methods such as statistical learning (relationships between variables to gain insight) and machine learning (models capable of making predictions) which are applied to various data from sampling results structured or unstructured which arise from various problems in the field of scientific research such as the environment, etc.</p> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Intelligence Data Science</strong> (IJIDS) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal for original research articles, review articles and technical reports related to all aspects of data science and its application in the field of business, geography, engineering, social management, etc. IJIDS was launched in 2022 and published quarterly by Mathematics Department, Sam Ratulangi University.<br /><br />Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>Machine learning, Deep Learning and intelligent management</li> <li>Data Mining and Business Analytics</li> <li>Data statistics and decision making</li> <li>Intelligent computing and algorithms</li> <li>Cloud Computing</li> <li>Spatial Data Science</li> <li>Business Intelligence and Data Science</li> <li>Big Data Analysis </li> <li>Data Security Management</li> <li>Data visualization</li> <li>Data Science Architecture</li> <li>Data Science Technolgy</li> <li>Data Warehouse and OLAP</li> <li>Natural Language Processing</li> <li>Forecasting, Prediction and Interpolation</li> </ul> Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Sam Ratulangi University en-US Indonesian Journal of Intelligence Data Science 2988-0416 <p>Copyright Holder in Indonesian Journal of Intelligence Data Science is The <strong>Author</strong></p> <p>LICENCE: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC-BY-NC</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a></p> Website E-Commerce Anyaman Bambu Kelurahan Kinilow Kota Tomohon Menggunakan Framework Laravel <p>Technology is developing very rapidly where all information is obtained <br>quickly. One of the impacts of technological developments is in the sales business <br>or in community-owned micro, small and medium enterprises, one of which is <br>woven bamboo handicrafts in the Kinilow Village, Tomohon City. The purpose of <br>this research is to design and build a sales website using the Laravel framework to <br>make it easier for craftsmen to market their products. The method used in designing <br>and building the system is the waterfall method. The resulting program is in the <br>form of an e-commerce website for woven bamboo crafts that can assist craftsmen <br>in selling and marketing products, as well as customers in buying and knowing <br>woven products in stores.</p> Daniel Jackgie Ferson Lie Chriestie Ellyanne Juliet Clara Montolalu Mahardika Inra Takaendengan Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Jackgie Ferson Lie 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 1 8 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.50100 EVALUASI KINERJA SISTEM INFORMASI PORTAL INSPIRE MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5 DOMAIN DSS (DELIVER, SERVICE, SUPPORT) <p>Tujuan audit sistem informasi adalah untuk memastikan bahwa sistem informasi berfungsi dengan baik, sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan, dan mampu menjaga kerahasiaan serta integritas data<strong>. </strong>Tujuan dilakukannya evaluasi kinerja kerja pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sebuah hasil yang dimana dari hasil tersebut dihasilkan sebuah rekomendasi yang nantinya akan digunakan sebagai perbaikan sistem informasi portal INSPIRE Pada penelitian ini menggunakan COBIT 5 khusunya domain DSS (<em>Deliver, Servis, Suport</em>) <u>untuk </u>mendapatkan apa saja rekomendasi yang akan diberikan kepada portal INSPIRE. Dilakukan pengukuran kesenjangan menggunakan analisis GAP yang dimana portal INSPIRE mendapatkan nilai 2 yang berarti sistem informasi portal INSPIRE sudah cukup baik dalam menerapkan TI dan hanya perlu melakukan sedikit peningkatan kinerja dan prosedur-prosedur yang nantinya akan mengoptimalkan portal inspire kedepannya. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pengevaluasian kinerja kerja portal INSPIRE dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan COBIT 5 domain DSS.</p> Geraldi Tulung Jullia Titaley Mahardika Inra Takaendengan Dodisutarma Lapihu Copyright (c) 2023 Geraldi Tulung 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 9 20 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.50107 Sistem Infrormasi Pendaftaran Pasien Berbasis WEB di Puskesmas Taratara Kota Tomohon <p>The patient registration process in the current era of technological development is increasingly sophisticated and makes it easier for the public to apply it. Taratara Health Center in its application of patient registration is still done manually. For this reason, with existing technological developments, patient registration can be carried out online through a website-based patient registration system. The purpose of making this website-based patient registration is to make it easier for patients to register, so they don't have to wait at the puskesmas for a long time. The system was built and developed using the waterfall development method which was carried out in stages starting from analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation. The results of this online patient registration information system study have an effect on patient waiting time at the Taratara Health Center.</p> Riylokheni Hotman Loho Jantje D. Prang Mahardika I. Takaendengan Copyright (c) 2023 Riylokheni Hotman Loho 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 21 31 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.50109 Sistem Infromasi Geografis Berbasis Web Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara <p>North Minahasa Regency has so many tourist objects spread across almost all sub-districts in North Minahasa Regency. Web-based Geographic information system for tourism objects in North Minahasa Regency is one of the tools to convey information as well as promotional media about tourism objects in North Minahasa Regency. This geographic information system is made web-based with the system development method, namely the waterfall method. This application uses PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as a programming language, uses MySQL as a data storage area and is assisted by Sumblime Text as a text editor. Making this web-GIS starts from data collection, namely spatial data in the form of a map of the North Minahasa Regency area along with the coordinates of tourist attractions in North Minahasa Regency. Then the process will be continued by making a web, namely designing a web appearance and the process of creating a web page. The end result of this process will be the formation of a Geographic Information System Website for tourist attractions in North Minahasa Regency which would make it easier for tourists to obtain information on the location of tourist attractions in North Minahasa Regency.</p> Misheila Kalempouw Marline S. Paendong Winsy Ch. D. Weku Mahardika I. Takaendengan Copyright (c) 2023 Misheila Kalempouw, Marline S. Paendong, Winsy Ch. D. Weku, Mahardika I. Takaendengan 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 32 44 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.50159 Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Website Sebaran Lokasi Fasilitas Kesehatan di Kota Tomohon <p>Technological developments are currently developing very rapidly, has even become a basic need of society in the modern era of globalization. GIS technology is an assistive technology that can represent the real world on a computer monitor. This research aims to create a web-based that contains information about the location distribution of health facilities in Tomohon City. Based on the waterfall design method and using the Google Maps API in determining the coordinates of existing health facilities using the latitude and longitude of these tourist attractions for WebGIS creation, it shows that using the maps feature in WebGIS can make it easier for people to find out the location of hospitals and health centers.</p> Alfivania Dehelena Posumah John Socrates Kekenusa Winsy Christo Deilan Weku Copyright (c) 2024 Alfivania Dehelena Posumah, John Socrates Kekenusa, Winsy Christo Deilan Weku 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 45 53 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.50166 Sistem Informasi Sentralisasi Keuangan Mingguan (Studi Kasus : GMIM Anugerah Koka, Kecamatan Tombulu) <p>The procedure applied to the management of weekly financial data at GMIM Anugerah Koka, Tombulu District begins with the inclusion of financial funds from the congregation, BIPRA, Column, BIPRA coloumn, Elderly to the Treasurer of the Congregation and also the management of financial data at GMIM Anugerah Koka is still done manually and when calculating data finance still uses a calculator tool. With the development of technology so that a website-base weekly centralized financial information system can be carried out. The purpose of building this website-based weekly financial centralization information system is to make it easier for the Congregational Treasurer to manage weekly finances. The system was built and developed using the waterfall method starting from analysis, design, coding or implematation, testing, operation and maintenance. This weekly financial centralization website has two entities, namely the Treasurer as a manager who can login, input, edit, delete, view, print weekly financial data while MPJ can process weekly login, view, and print financial data.</p> Adelin Nelsyia Pieter Marline Sofiana Paendong Stephano Caesar Wenston Ngangi Copyright (c) 2023 Adelin Nelsyia Pieter, Marline Sofiana Paendong, Stephano Caesar Wenston Ngangi 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 54 66 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.51281 Website-Based Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Az-Zikra Information System Application Using the Rapid Application Development Method <p>In the modern era like now, the use of information technology has become an important part of daily activities. An information system is a system that processes data into information and websites as a medium for conveying information are very important. Az-Zikra Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) is a non-formal religious educational institution for the Muslim community which uses the Al-Qur'an as its main material, and to make the young generation Qur'anic and grounded in the Qur'an. . Located in Patampanua District, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, and was founded in 2016. This place focuses on Muslim children aged 7-12 years. However, in managing data, TPA Az-zikra uses conventional methods. Recording of registrants, students, teachers, and TPA internal data is done manually, causing the data to be scattered and difficult to manage. Apart from that, the lack of efforts to disseminate information about TPA Az-zikra has also resulted in low public knowledge about this institution. To overcome this problem, researchers aim to create a website-based information system application using the rapid application development (RAD) method. This research produces a website-based information system application that can be used to make it easier for users to register as students at the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) Az-zikra online, and at the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) Az- zikra will make it easier to manage student data, teacher data and important information about the Az-zikra Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) so that it can be known by the outside community.</p> Nurul Nikma Salsabila John Socrates Kekenusa Stephano Caesar Wenston Ngangi Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Nikma Salsabila, John Socrates Kekenusa, Stephano Caesar Wenston Ngangi 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 2 2 67 81 10.35799/ijids.v2i2.51523