Today's technological development increasingly demands the importance of information for every
organization, both government and private, because basically the whole part of the organization requires
training as a supporting process of administrative work and the implementation of management functions,
and planning, determining the realization of organizational goals. The objective cannot be realized without
an active role and the accuracy of work or effectiveness of employees, even though the tools owned by the
agency are so sophisticated, the sophisticated tools owned by the agency have no benefit to the agency, if the
role is not included. Managing employees is difficult and complex, because they have heterogeneous
thoughts, feelings, status, and background that are under the organization. The purpose of this study is to
find out the Work Effectiveness of employees at the Regional Library and Archives Service Office of the
Talaud Islands Regency. The theory used is Work Effectiveness. The research method used is a qualitative
research method to find answers to questions related to Employee Work Effectiveness. These questions
require answers that are descriptive in nature that describe the facts about the problems being investigated
as there are rational interpretations of various findings in the field while analyzing all the conditions in the
location of the study. Based on the results of the study, the work effectiveness of employees at the Library
and Archives Office of the Talaud Islands Regency, is still experiencing problems such as employees who
are still less consistent in managing time, as well as facilities that are still lacking and human resources are
still poor, so the work is still not fully effective and efficient.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Work, Employees