In the management and ownership of KK and KTP, the community members in Waengi District,
Puncak Jaya Regency is still low. The purpose of this study was to determine community participation in
population administration in Waengi District, Puncak Jaya Regency.
This study uses qualitative research to produce descriptive data in the form of words, data and observed
behaviors. This study is a qualitative study of one variable, community participation in population
administration in Waengi District, Puncak Jaya Regency. In this research the parties that will be used as
informants are the informants who are chosen to obtain clear and accurate information in accordance with
the object to be examined. The procedure for taking the initial informants is then using the snowball
technique, which is taking one person then being interviewed and then rolling to the other informants in
sequence in accordance with the informants that have been determined are representatives of the population
office, the District government, community leaders and local residents.
Community awareness and spontaneous participation from the community for the ownership of a family
cards and identity cards 30 percent of the Waengi district residents already have, while 70 percent of the
population does not yet have. the constraints experienced by the population are road, transportation,
transportation financing, employment and the distance to place a family card and a low population identity
card at 13 percent, a population with a moderate participation rate of 7 percent, while there is no population
with a high level of participation at distance is less than 300 kg. Residents with a distance of 309 m - 700 m
with a low participation rate of 23 percent, a population with a moderate participation rate of 20 percent,
and residents with a high participation rate of 10 percent in the Waengi district of Puncak Jaya district.
Keywords: Participation; Public; Administration; Population