The purpose of this research is to know the public participation in the
development in the village Kiama west district Melonguane archipelago district Talaud. This
study using the approach deskriptif-kualitatif. The focus of the research is participation in the
decision-making process the development of the village, and in the implementation the
development of the village, in evaluation of programs of development of the village, and the
utilization of the development of the village. Informants peneltian is the head of the village,
chairman of the BPD, chairman of the LPM, chairman of PKK courses village, public figures
or peoples, and community members of the village kiama west, entirely amounts to 10 people.
Collecting data using the guidelines interview, while the technique used is the model interactive
of Miles and Hubermann. The results of research into : (1) Public participation in the the
decision-making process the development of the village still less, which is still a lot more carried
out by the people or religion, representatives organization or groups of people, while the
members of society has not been participating. (2) Public participation in the implementation or
the implementation of the construction of a pretty high, people are generally supporting the
implementation of the development of the village which has been set to give aid or donations
like the help of cash and the material and especially donations power. (3) community
participation in evaluating village development programs is still lacking, i.e. it is still mostly
done by community/religious leaders, while community members are still less participating. (4)
community participation in the utilization of the results of village development programs in the
village of West Kiama is generally quite high.
keywords:Â community participation, village development