ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PERIKANAN TANGKAP2025-01-15T22:10:44+08:00Heffry V. Journal Systems<p><a class="app__contextTitle" href="">JURNAL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PERIKANAN TANGKAP</a></p> <p>Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun (Juni dan Desember) dan memuat hasil penelitian dan <em>critical</em><em> review</em> (tinjauan kritis) tentang ilmu dan teknologi perikanan tangkap yang mencakup, tapi tidak terbatas pada bidang:</p> <ul> <li>rancang bangun dan hidrodinamika alat tangkap ikan</li> <li>rancang bangun dan hidrodinamika kapal perikanan</li> <li>operasi penangkapan ikan</li> <li>meteo-oseanografi perikanan tangkap</li> <li>daerah penangkapan ikan</li> <li>biologi perikanan tangkap</li> <li>pengelolaan perikanan tangkap.</li> </ul> Teknis Kapal Handline Anita Jaya X di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap2025-01-11T20:40:20+08:00Dwi Putra Nur Amaliaamaliafarah01@gmail.comTri Nanda Citra<p>The fishing industry is a vital sector for the global economy and food security because this industry plays a role in providing food and economic income for business actors. However, the fishing industry also often faces challenges such as competition to obtain supplies of fresh fish raw materials. The decline in the quality of caught fish is also influenced by handling that does not comply with standards or inadequate storage conditions. The loading capacity of a ship is influenced by the value of the ship's displacement, the ship's dead weight, and the weight of the empty ship. Therefore, this research aims to estimate the value <em>displacement</em>, empty ship weight (<em>Light Weight Ton/</em>LWT), ship dead weight (<em>Dead Weight Tonnage/</em>DWT), and the maximum amount of catch that can be loaded on the ship. Collecting research data by taking ship measurements and interviews. The sampling technique is carried out randomly <em>accidental sampling</em>. The research results show that the Anita Jaya X ship has value <em>displacement</em> amounting to 72.02 tons, empty ship weight (<em>Light Weight Ton/</em>LWT) of 12.15 tons, and ship dead weight (<em>Dead Weight Tonnage/</em>DWT) of 59.87 tons. Therefore, it can be concluded that to avoid a decrease in the quality of caught fish due to mismatches in the loading capacity and hold of caught fish then the Anita Jaya X can load up to 53.71 tons of fish.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dwi Putra Yuwandana, Farah Nur Amalia, Tri Nanda Citra Bangun efektivitas padat tebar yang berbeda pada sistem ekstensif polikultur terhadap pertumbuhan dan kualitas agar rendemen rumput laut (Gracilaria verrucosa)2024-11-17T20:25:55+08:00Fitriyanti Putri Permata Sarifitriyantiputri.ps25@gmail.comAndi Rahmad<p><em>Gracilaria verrucosa</em> is a kind of seaweed with significant potential for pond culture, particularly among farmers, since it serves as the primary source of agar production, which is experiencing rising demand. Nonetheless, pond output remains insufficient to satisfy market demands, necessitating innovation in cultivation methods and enhanced production efficiency. The researcher intends to assess the efficacy of various stocking densities in an extended polyculture system on the growth and quality of agar production from <em>Gracilaria verrucosa</em> seaweed. This research employs a quantitative approach utilizing an experimental methodology. This study had a fully randomized design (CRD) with three treatments, each replicated three times. Treatment A (Density 150 g/cm³), Treatment B (Density 200 g/cm³), Treatment C (Density 250 g/cm³). This study method employs a test medium container designed as a net, into which seaweed lips are placed, followed by a 35-day observation of growth. Data analysis was conducted utilizing analysis of variance, succeeded by the Tukey test, with a confidence level of 95% (p<0.05). Varied stocking densities influenced the development of <em>Gracilaria verrucosa</em>, the effectiveness of good stocking density in treatment A (150g) obtained the highest absolute length of 8g for 35 days.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 fitri yanti, Andi Rahmad Rahim Konstruksi Bagan Apung Milik Nelayan Kelurahan Batu Putih Atas Kota Bitung2025-01-15T22:10:44+08:00Karyantospmi.poltekkpbitung@gmail.comJul Manohasjulmanohas2@gmail.comHeru Santososantoso.heroe@gmail.comFranky Adrian Darondofrankydarondo82@gmail.comLidya Katililidyakatili11@gmail.comElsari Tanjung<p>Bitung City is one of the centers for fisheries production, with the main commodity being capture fisheries, specifically small pelagic fish (mackerel scad (<em>decapterus</em>), mackerel fish (<em>Rastrelliger</em>), tuna (<em>Euthynnus affinis</em>) , and anchovy (<em>Stolephorus indicus</em>)). The purpose of this research is to describe the construction of a floating net cage to support the successful capture of small pelagic fish. The study was conducted from October to December 2024. The data collection methods used were observation and direct interviews with fishermen, and the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the construction of the lift net includes: a wooden frame measuring 9.5 x 8.5 meters, wooden and net enclosures measuring 3x3 meters, 24 LED lights, a polyethylene net (Cang) measuring 9.5x8.5 meters, a guard house made of wood measuring 2x2 meters, 15 river stones as weights, 4 sand-filled anchors in bags, 12 brass rings, 1 wooden reel, and 24 styrofoam buoy floats.</p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 Karyanto, Jul Manohas, Heru Santoso, Franky Adrian Darondo, Lidya Katili, Elsari Tanjung Putri