Tentang Jurnal Ini

Focus and Scope

Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis merupakan terbitan berkala ilmiah yang bertujuan menjadi sarana penyebarluasan hasil penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang Perikanan dan Kelautan di daerah Tropis. Hasil penelitian akan diutamakan untuk diterbitkan.  Namun demikian, redaksi juga menerima ulasan ilmiah berupa tinjauan teori, ulasan buku baru, komunikasi singkat dan karya ilmiah lainnya.  Artikel bisa ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.

Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis is a scientific periodical publication that aimed to facilitate the dissemination of results of scientific research and scientific information about fisheries and marine science in tropical areas. Research reports will have priority for publication. The journal editor, however, will also accept scientifically

Peer Review Process

Semua naskah artikel akan melalui proses peer-review secara anonim.  Proses review dilaksanakan oleh minimal seorang pakar dari luar dan biasanya berlangsung paling lama 2-4 minggu, dengan fokus pada substansi, originalitas, relevansi, koherensi kebaruan metoda, kejelasan pembahasan, kebermaknaan hasil, kemutakhiran pustaka, kebakuan istilah dan penggunaan bahasa. Hasil review menjadi dasar keputusan editor untuk penerimaan dan penerbitan artikel yang dinilai dalam jurnal ini.

All submitted articles will go through a blind peer-review process before being accepted for publication.  At least one reviewer will be selected for each reviewed article. The review process normally takes 2-4 weeks.  The recommendations of reviewers will be used in the Editor's decision regarding the suitability of the submitted article to be published in this journal.

Publication Frequency

Jurnal ini terbit 3 kali setahun, setiap April, Agustus dan Desember.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

About "Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis"

Jurnal ini merupakan terbitan berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan untuk menjadi sarana pengembangan keilmuan dan penyebarluasan hasil penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang Perikanan dan Kelautan di daerah Tropis.  Jurnal ini diterbitkan 3 kali setahun, pada bulan April, Agustus dan Desember.


Publication Ethics Statement

The ethics statement of publication in the process of publishing articles in the Journal Of Fisheries And Marine Tropical is a joint statement as; publisher, editor, review board, and writer. The three main publication ethics in the Journal Of Fisheries And Marine Tropical:

1. Neutrality. Publishing in the Journal Of Fisheries And Marine Tropical is free from conflicts of interest.

2. Justice. Authorities of articles published in the Journal Of Fisheries And Marine Tropical belong to the author.

3. Integrity / Honesty. Articles sent by the author must be original and free of plagiarism.

Publisher ethical standards

  1. The publisher determines the name of the journal, the scope of science, the period of publication, and the status of accreditation (indexed).
  2. The publisher establishes the board of reviewers.
    1. The publisher defines the relationship of the publisher, editors, reviewers, and other parties in the contract.
    2. The publisher respects all confidential matters of authors, editors, and reviewers.
    3. The publisher respects the copyright of all articles.
    4. The publisher reviews the policy of publishing periodically and communicates it with authors, editors, reviewers, and readers.
    5. The publisher sets the code of conduct guidelines for editors and reviewers.
    6. The publisher ensures the publishing regularly.
    7. The publisher assures funding availability for publication sustainability.
    8. The publisher establishes and maintains the publication network.
    9. The publisher establishes the permit and other legal aspects.

Ethical standards of editors

  1. The editors justify the needs of readers and authors.
  2. The editors maintain the continuous improvement of publication quality.
  3. The editors apply procedures to assure the quality of published articles.
  4. The editors prioritize the independence of academic expressions objectively.
  5. The editors maintain the integrity of the academic records of authors.
  6. The editors deliver to authors corrections, clarifications, rejections, and apologies if needed.
  7. The editors are responsible for the format and style of articles, while the authors are responsible for the contents (including any statements) of articles.
  8. The editors actively ask for any comments from authors, readers, reviewers, and members of the board editors to improve the publication quality.
  9. The editors encourage any assessments on Accountability Journal for any inadequacies.
  10. The editors support any initiative to reduce errors in published studies by asking the authors to sign any ethical clearances approved by the Ethical Clearance Committee.
  11. The editors support any initiative to educate the authors about publication ethics.
  12. The editors routinely evaluate and review the effect of publication policy on the responses of authors or reviewers and directly make any corrections needed to improve the editor's responsibility and reduce any errors significantly.
  13. The editors accept any comments or opinions by other people above the board.
  14. The editors take decisions independently and objectively.
  15. The editors encourage the authors to revise (if any) the articles based on the reviewer's comments with the objective of proper publication.

Ethical standards of reviewers

  1. The reviewers independently and objectively review the article assigned by editors and deliver the results to editors as the consideration of proper publication.
  2. The reviewers should not review the articles which directly or indirectly involve his/her name.
  3. The reviewers should keep the author's privacy by not propagating any comments or any contents of articles when under evaluation process.
  4. The reviewers encourage the authors to revise the articles in objective to proper publication.
  5. The reviewers should assess any revision by authors with predetermined standards.
  6. The reviewers should review the article within the standard time according to journal guidelines based on scientific rules such as methodology, the legality of authors, conclusion, etc.
  7. The reviewers should not review the articles which directly or indirectly involve his/her name.
  8. The reviewers should keep the author's privacy by not propagating any comments or any contents of articles when under evaluation process.
  9. The reviewers encourage the authors to revise the articles in objective to proper publication.
  10. The reviewers should assess any revision by authors with predetermined standards.
  11. The reviewers should review the article within the standard time according to journal guidelines based on scientific rules such as methodology, the legality of authors, conclusion, etc.

Ethical standards of authors

  1. The author assures that co-author/s are competent in the field of study.
  2. The author has responsibility for the contents of the article.
  3. The author declares any resources (including funding) for publication.
  4. The author declares any limitations of the article.
  5. The author responds to any comments by reviewers professionally and on time.
  6. The author informs to editors if any revoke the article.
  7. Author signs the statements that the article is original, not under consideration or published by other publishers in any languages

Ir. Alex D. Kambey, M.Sc., M.Si


Journal Of Fisheries And Marine Tropical



(Ethics Statement)


Penulis utama (main author) :

 Penulis pendamping (co-authors) :

 Judul naskah:


Kami menyatakan bahwa :

a) Artikel kami yang telah diserahkan ke Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis, untuk dinilai adalah asli atau bebas dari fabrikasi, falsifikasi, plagiarisme, duplikasi, fragmentasi/salami dan pelanggaran hak cipta data/isi.

b) Artikel ini belum pernah diterbitkan di tempat lain atau tidak sedang dipertimbangkan untuk diterbitkan oleh jurnal lain, dan selama proses penilaian oleh jurnal ini tidak akan ditarik dan dikirimkan ke jurnal lain untuk dinilai.

c) Penulis bersedia memperbaiki naskah yang telah dinilai dan tidak menariknya secara sepihak tanpa memberitahu redaksi, terutama jika naskah sedang dalam proses telaah.

d) Artikel kami tidak mengandung pernyataan yang melanggar hukum, memfitnah atau lainnya dan tidak mengandung bahan yang melanggar hak-hak pribadi atau hak milik dari setiap orang atau badan lainnya. 

Demikianlah pernyataan ini saya buat dengan jujur dan bertanggung jawab.

 (Tempat), (tanggal dan tahun)

Penulis utama,

 Meterai Rp 6000



(Authorship Agreement)


Kami yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Penulis utama (main author) dan alamat surel serta nomor HP :


Nama penulis pendamping (co-authors) dan alamat surel serta nomor HP :


Judul naskah:


Setuju bahwa naskah kami akan diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis, Vol.... , No.... , Tahun. Para penulis mengakui bahwa hak kepengarangan terikat dengan tanggung jawab publik dan bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan isi yang dikemukakan dalam naskah.

(Tempat), (tanggal dan tahun)

Penulis utama,

Meterai Rp 6000



(Copyright Statement)

Penulis utama (main author) :


Penulis pendamping (co-authors) :


Judul naskah :

akan diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropis, Vol.   , No. , Tahun.


Penulis menyatakan bahwa,

(Mohon memberi tanda (√) pada isian berikut):

  Kutipan utuh data sekunder (bentuk kata, angka, gambar, tabel) yang merupakan barang hak cipta (copyright) yang disalin (reproduce), digambar ulang (redrawn), dan ditabelkan (reuse) dalam versi sendiri sudah seizin pemegang hak cipta (penulis, penerbit, organisasi).

  Data .

 Tidak terdapat kutipan utuh.

 Kutipan sebagian data sekunder (bentuk kata dan angka) yang disalin (reproduce), digambar ulang (redrawn), ditabelkan (reuse) untuk pembanding dengan data primer atau pelengkap tabel/gambar sendiri sudah menuliskan referensi sesuai dengan format pengutipan data.

 Naskah ini asli dan penulis utama beserta penulis pendamping mengalihkan hak cipta (transfer of copryright) naskah ini kepada Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Tropistanpa mengabaikan hak kepengarangan dari penulis untuk menyebarluaskan tulisan secara bebas.

(Tempat), (tanggal dan tahun)

Penulis utama,

Meterai Rp 6000



  • Pengurus Pusat ISPIKANI (Ikatan Sarjana Perikanan Indonesia)