Tumou Tou: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>Tumou Tou : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal yang berisi tentang pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, agrotech, layanan dan manajemen Kesehatan, teknologi informasi dan keteknikan, kreativitas diseminasi science, sosial humaniora, hukum, ekonomi dan bisnis, literasi dan seni, dan semua bidang ilmu lainnya. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dipublikasikan dapat berupa penerapan teknologi tepat guna, pelatihan, penyuluhan, pengembangan dan implementasi sistem, dan lain-lain.</p>Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Sam Ratulangiid-IDTumou Tou: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2986-7967Identifikasi Karies Dini, Upaya Teknik Fissure Sealant dan Pencegahan Dini Penyakit Diabetes Melitus pada Anak di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tateli Kabupaten Minahasa
<p><em>In Indonesia, dental and oral diseases, especially dental caries and periodontal disease, are still widely suffered, both by children and adults. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge so that they can see the signs of tooth decay. Providing knowledge so that diabetes mellitus can be prevented as early as possible. Education to the school health unit cadres, teachers and students about how to detect early, then teachers together with the community service team teach students and conduct demonstrations on how to detect caries early. With the implementation of community service activities, dental health problems (fissure) of students at school can be overcome and prevented from continuing so that dental caries or cavities do not occur by 61.31%. Efforts to prevent dental caries with the Fissure Sealant program are one of the primary prevention methods carried out to prevent dental caries.</em></p>Anneke TahulendingSteven SeonjonoOksfriani Jufri SumampouwJeini Ester Nelwan
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Anneke Tahulending, Steven Seonjono, Oksfriani Jufri Sumampouw, Jeini Ester Nelwan
2025-01-092025-01-093118Pengembangan Dan Pendampingan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Simpan Pinjam Pada Pengurus BUMDes Desa Wongkai Satu
<p><em>The development and assistance of savings and loan applications in the Wongkai Satu Village Bumdes(</em><em>Village-Owned Enterprises</em><em>) Management is an important step in strengthening microfinance services at the village level. This process aims to improve accessibility, efficiency, and transparency in the management of savings and loans in the Wongkai Satu Village community group. Application development is carried out by a comprehensive needs analysis by involving the collection of information from Bumdes administrators and community members to understand the challenges, needs, and expectations related to savings and loan services as a reference for application development planning which is carried out by formulating features that are in accordance with the needs of the application. The development and assistance of savings and loan applications aims to achieve several benefits. First, increasing the accessibility of microfinance services for rural communities, especially those in remote locations. Second, increasing efficiency and accuracy in the management of savings and loan transactions, which can help in local economic growth, increasing transparency and accountability in Bumdes operations, which can strengthen the trust of community members and other stakeholders</em><em>.</em></p>Reinhard KomansilanSalvius LengkongHenry Kainde
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Reinhard Komansilan, Salvius Lengkong, Henry Kainde
2025-01-092025-01-0931923Penyuluhan Kebutuhan Air dan Kebersihan Lingkungan Pada Kelompok Ibu Ibu Kelurahan Watulambot Kecamatan Tondano Barat
<p><strong><em>Drainage as a place for dirty water to flow becomes a trash can which causes blockages in waterways and culverts and results in flooding during the rainy season. The partner's problem is how to manage the environment well so that the community can live in a clean and healthy environment. Water needs must be met every day while the government neglects to pay attention to the needs of the community. This problem is what makes implementing community service important to implement. The aim of implementing community service activities is to create a clean living environment and fulfill adequate water needs.The implementation method are: a) Gathering mothers in one fellowship or through the Women's Worship Fellowship of the GMIM Pniel Watulambot Congregation.b). Explanation of community service c) . Environmental cleanliness which is contested in ecclesiastical holiday activities (Easter Feast) d) Counseling regarding household water needs e) Counseling on drainage cleanliness.The result is that the group of mothers understands environmental cleanliness and water needs and does this every day. In conclusion, it is important to maintain environmental cleanliness and fulfill water needs.</em></strong></p> <p> </p>Sisca Pandey
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Sisca Pandey
2025-01-092025-01-09312428PKM Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Guru-Guru Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 36 Manado Untuk Pengembangan Media Presentasi Digital Menggunakan AI Designer Tool
<div><em>Sekolah Dasar Negeri 36 Manado is one of the elementary schools located in the Malalayang District of Manado City. Furthermore, Sekolah Dasar Negeri 36 Manado has become a favourite in the Malalayang district area. The challenges faced by Sekolah Dasar Negeri 36 include a significant number of students and the need for improvements in the learning system innovation. The purpose of this training activity is to provide insight, knowledge, and new competencies to the teachers of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 36 Manado in designing and delivering teaching materials. Before the training, a pre-test is conducted to assess the initial abilities of the training participants. The training continues with coaching and mentoring processes. After the training, participants are given a post-test to determine to what extent they have absorbed and implemented the training materials provided. It was found that, in general, there was an improvement of 20% to 75% for each competency as reflected in each question in the pre-test and post-test</em></div>Oktavian LantangDirko Dirko RunduinganAgustinus Agustinus JacobusVirginia Tulenan
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Oktavian Lantang, Dirko Runduingan, Agustinus Jacobus, Virginia Tulenan
2025-01-132025-01-13312936Implementasi Program Kampus Mengajar di Desa Budo Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara
<p> <em>The lack of teachers and limited educational resources in Budo Village, Wori District, Minahasa Regency, poses significant barriers to improving the quality of education. This community service program aims to implement the Kampus Mengajar initiative at SD GMIM Budo as a partner school, involving students from the Integrated Community Service (KKT) program according to the implementation guidelines from the Sam Ratulangi university. The synergy of this program provides practical teaching experience for KKT students, allowing them to directly contribute to the partner school through additional work programs. The benefits of this program include improving the quality of teaching at elementary schools, developing teaching and leadership skills among students, and increasing the involvement and contribution of lecturers and students in community empowerment. The implementation of the Kampus Mengajar involving KKT students in partner villages has a positive impact on addressing the shortage of teachers and offers valuable experiences for students in developing professional skills and contributing to the community.</em></p>meita rumbayanLucky DotulongPingkan KumaatFionita Nanono
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 meita rumbayan, Lucky Dotulong, Pingkan Kumaat, Fionita Nanono
<p><em>Environmental preservation by prioritizing waste management from the source is a very important program. In realizing effective processing, it is necessary to take action where organic household waste that is thrown away is utilized by processing it into eco-enzyme. The implementation of the community partnership program involves partners of the PKK women in Ranomuut Village, Paal 2 District, Manado City in the form of socialization and waste processing training. The organic kitchen waste that is processed is in the form of fruit peels (papaya, sunkis oranges, oranges, carrots, and apples). The fermentation process of kitchen waste is carried out for 3 months, then harvested and the resulting solution has a standard pH <4.0, namely 3.27, in addition to the results found are very good and there are no maggots. Eco-enzyme is stored in a shady place and is ready to use. Eco-enzyme has no expiration date and remains durable.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em> </em></p>Natalie Detty RumampukSandra TilaarVictoria Manoppo
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Natalie Detty Rumampuk, Sandra, Victoria